thirty-six | the dance (part i)

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t h i r t y - s i x ::

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t h i r t y - s i x

hae sobbed into jungkook's chest for a short while before she was able to compose herself, wiping her tears with the back of her hand, her mascara smeared all over the place

she groaned, standing up shakily

"i'll just go fix this and be back" she said quietly

jungkook nodded, "i'll wait in the car"

it was awkward between them still, tension taking over the atmosphere each time they spoke with, or even looked at, each other

hae quickly managed to fix the makeup damage and returned to the car, buckling her seat belt and staring out the window as jungkook pulled out of the driveway

the car ride was awfully silent, the only sound ringing through the car was the occasional sound of the turn signal

jungkook hadn't even turned any music on, making the silence more unbearable

soon hae could see the school building in the distance, different coloured lights emitting from the windows. even the music could be heard from a street away.

hae groaned, already feeling a headache coming on. she suddenly wanted to stop by the cafe or somewhere else. after all, her mom wouldn't know.

jungkook glanced at her for a split second as she rubbed her temples but quickly focused his eyes back on the road, pulling into the school parking lot

he turned off the car. both of them unsure of what to say.

"well, this is it i guess" jungkook said

hae's lip began to quiver as she nodded, glad jungkook couldn't properly see her face in the darkness of the night.

he nodded and opened his door, hae doing the same. they both stood there for a moment before jungkook nodded, "bye", locking his car and walking towards the school building

hae knew she couldn't bear to go inside so she turned the other way. her heels clicked on the sidewalk as she walked further and further from the school building and from all the people in it

she crossed a few streets until the music could no longer be heard. this street was quite silent. one house's backyard light was turned on, people chatting in the backyard with barbecue smoke rising through the air

hae spotted the cafe nearby. she quickly made a dash for it and swung the door open. it was almost empty, besides a couple sitting by the window, a girl reading a book and a few staff members behind the counters

hae found her way to her favourite corner booth spot, letting out a breath of relief as she took a seat and put her head on the cold table

𝖎 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖚, 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖚 | 𝖕𝖏𝖒 Where stories live. Discover now