ten | lunch table upgrade

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[a/n: whoever said jin is a bad dancer at that iheartradio thingy needs a nice slap. literally the nations dancer don't even @ me. he's improved so much and i'm so proud of him]

 he's improved so much and i'm so proud of him]

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t e n

"hae! maryam!" a voice called from the other end of the hall as hae and maryam made their way to their lockers to put away their books and head to the cafeteria.

they both turned in unison to see where the voice was coming from.

laya adams.

hae hated labelling, she hated being labelled and she hated labelling others but laya was the type of person who was proud of her label.

laya was a sweet girl, she was kind to most people but her image around the school wasn't the best, hae didn't even know how she dealt with people calling her a whore or a slut everytime they saw her.

instead, she was oddly proud about it, proud about the fact that her face could attract so many guys to her.

hae didn't think laya even understood what the word slut even meant. if she did, then she sure had some issues since she liked a label that degraded her

"laya.." maryam breathed out, sending hae a 'why-is-she-randomly-talking-to-us' look. hae merely shrugged her shoulders before focusing her attention on the girl who had come to a stop infront of them.

"girls! i'm having a party and i would be so honoured if you came" she ranted, clapping her hands together and flicking her hair away from her face after every word.


that was the keyword to tell hae that she definitely didn't want to join.

"thanks for the offer but we don't really do parties" maryam said, smiling as she shut their shared locker. hae nodded behind her and sent an apologetic smile to laya.

"no no girls, it's a girls only slumber party type thing. no boys" she said, emphasizing the last 2 words and flailing her arms all over the place.

maryam turned around to look at hae, giving her a 'yes-or-no?' look. hae shook her head, to be honest, hae felt like a nobody beside laya and her friends. they were always surrounded by guys who tried to court them, and they were all gorgeous. being at a party with them would make her self esteem hit rock bottom.

"maybe next time"

"come on!! you can leave when you wish but please come, it'll mean a lot to me!" laya pouted, putting her hands together in front of them.

hae sighed before stepping forward, "sure, just this once" she smiled.

laya beamed before pulling them both in for a hug, "aren't you girls just darlings! i'll see you there, dress fancy but bring some pyjamas!!" she called out as she walked back to her friend group.

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