eight | heartless

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e i g h t


"fuck you jeon jungkook" jimin yelled as he chased jungkook around the house.

jungkook had used jimin's assignment and handed it in first, when jimin went to turn his in he got in trouble for plagiarism.

he was now chasing jungkook around the house, trying to force him to write his assignment for him.

"god! can you shut up?!" taehyung growled, the others all turned to look at him, thrown off by his sudden change of mood.

namjoon turned to look at jin who shrugged his shoulders, clearly not knowing the cause of his sudden hostile behaviour.

"tae, what's wrong?" jimin asked softly, the others didn't speak over him knowing jimin  would be the only one taehyung would open up to right away

taehyung merely looked up at him before standing up and stalking up the stairs, the sound of his door slamming rung through the house right afterwards.

"what's got him all riled up?" hoseok asked, looking up from his phone and eyeing the stairs.

the others shrugged their shoulders too before all turning to do their own thing, jimin looking worried but plopping onto the sofa beside yoongi.

"you're awfully quiet today hyung" he observed, trying to look over yoongi's shoulder and onto his phone.

the others all looked up at the same time, narrowing their eyes at yoongi before looking towards the stairs again.

"did you and tae fight?" jin asked, the others all waiting to hear yoongi's answer.

"nah why would we fight?" yoongi replied casually before straightening up.

"i'm going to take a nap, namjoon get me some water" he said, yawning as he rubbed his eyes.

at school namjoon may seem like this tough guy, but he always listened to his hyungs, doing whatever they asked. immediately he stood up and dashed to the kitchen, returning with a full glass of water for yoongi.

"here you go hyung" he said, holding out the glass of water in front of him. yoongi thanked him before chugging down the water, wiping his lips before lying down.

the tv flicked on as the others gathered around, choosing a movie to watch. no one ever did homework right after school until jin forced them all to sit together and work.

"netflix isn't working" jungkook whined, tapping the tv screen as if it'll magically make it work.

they all groaned as they retook their spots on the sofas, lying lazily and scrolling through their phones

"i'm thinking of asking laya out" jimin piped up randomly, looking up to the others.

yoongi rolled his eyes to himself, suddenly remembering maryam from school. she was seriously pissing him off and they hadn't even known her for a full week.

everytime he saw her she would smile at him, fuelling unnecessary rumours that he didn't like. looking at her annoyed him, today he had finally set things straight.

"you know hae likes you right?" hoseok mumbled, resulting in laughs from the others.

"no she doesn't, i'm 1000% sure she has a thing for jisung" jimin laughed, shaking his head as he made his way to the stairs.

"ill check on tae" he informed them before before disappearing into the dark of the hallway.

yoongi lay there for a while, listening to bits of the others' conversations before he felt his eyelids grow heavy pulling him into a dreamless sleep.


the next day, they all walked into school together, earning high fives from random kids they didn't even know, on their way inside.

"min yoongi! your eyes are so mesmezing" a girls voice said through his ear. he looked towards the group of girls standing by the doors, internally cringing at how she didn't even know how to say the word

he gagged to himself as soon as they were a good distance away from the weird obsessive girls at the front doors. they'd do anything to get with any of him or his friends, their desperation grossed him out.

he looked over at taehyung, who was usually jolly and winking at random girls. however, today he was distant, looking at the floor before storming off down a random hallway.

jimin followed right after him, not even needing taehyung to say a word to know that he wasn't okay and he needed someone with him.

yoongi continued walking, the boys all splitting up to their own classes. despite their 'cool and bad' reputation, they all took school kind of seriously. they handed their assignments in on time and showed up, most of the time.

yoongi saw jimin running after him as he turned into his first period hall, "hyung drop me offf" he whined as he grabbed yoongi's backpack strap. yoongi groaned before following jimin down the math hallway.

"don't worry about him, he's an asshole who's full of himself" a voice came from the side of the hallway.

jimin smiled to yoongi, clearly not hearing the voices coming from the hall, and waved before heading inside the classroom.

"honestly, he doesn't even deserve the dirt off your shoe" the voice said again.

yoongi turned to see hae and maryam. hae was hugging maryam who seemed to be crying, her shoulders shaking up and down.

he continued walking, they stopped talking as he approached.

hae turned to walk by him, bumping his shoulder.

"asshole" she spat before pushing past him and into the classroom.

maryam was left there alone, her eyes met his before they looked away quickly.

"remember what i said" yoongi said stiffly, causing her to look up at him.

any hint of sadness that was on her face was replaced with anger, "fuck you min yoongi, i hope you fall in love with someone and get your heart broken, i hope it gets broken so bad it never heals" she spat, wiping her tears and turning on her heel before she disappeared.

yoongi merely laughed, someone like her was trying to give him relationship advice?


he shook his head in second hand embarrassment for the girl before turning into his classroom.

"you're late" the teacher pointed out, before motioning for him to take his seat. he sat down whilst replaying the events of the past few days.

this will be an interesting school year.

𝖎 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖚, 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖚 | 𝖕𝖏𝖒 Where stories live. Discover now