two | humiliation

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"you okay?" he asked, looking at her. she realized that she had been staring at his face.

say something.


she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out, all she could do was nod and quickly walk to a seat at the back, hiding her face behind her backpack

he let out a soft chuckle but sat down as the teacher entered the classroom. the class went silent as she went through everything that the course would be about.

throughout class, she couldn't help but constantly glance at jimin who sat a few seats infront of her. his hair was shiny in the sun, glowing as it bounced when he moved around. his smile lit up the room, revealing a slightly crooked tooth which only made him more attractive. whenever he laughed, his eyes would disappear and turn crescents, slapping the person next to him.

she watched as he laughed at a joke his friend had made, smiling to herself as he laughed. he just had that effect on people.

"hae?" the teacher called out

no answer.

"hae won!" the teacher yelled, her screech finally reaching hae's ear and causing her to jump.

she stared at the teacher, unable to speak as the whole class turned to look at her. she felt herself turn red as she swallowed and looked down at the desk, could this day get any worse?

she waited for the teacher to look away or for someone to say something stupid to divert the class' attention but of course, luck had never been on her side

"if you want to stare at mr. park so much, why don't you ask him to join you at the back?" the teacher seethed, annoyed that hae hadn't been paying attention

snickers and giggles rippled through around the room as she tried to make herself smaller and smaller, wishing she weren't even here right now.

jimin looked up at the sound of his name, turning to face her as the teacher talked. her cheeks felt as if they weren't about to combust as she covered her face with her hands. she looked through a small space in between her fingers and saw jimin raise his eyebrow before shaking his head and laughing

even he thinks i'm a joke

she sunk into her seat the whole period, hoping to go unnoticed for hopefully the whole year. at last, the bell rang, indicating the end of the period, her misery and humiliation. she quickly packed up her things and raced out of the classroom.

"woah there pretty girl" a deep voice said as she walked past, her elbow accidentally making contact with his stomach

she slowed down as his arm reached out infront of her, stopping her from going any farther. she sighed, not really in the mood for annoying kids.

she looked up, freezing as she came face to face with kim namjoon and his little band of friends 

"i need to go to class" she managed to breathe out, staring at her shoes.

all first days of school were cursed.

what bad luck did she have that she had to be humiliated infront of jimin and now accidentally run into his group of friends.

"i can see that" he replied, smirking as she looked up at him.

she felt her heart race in her chest as his friends joined him. this was intimidating, she looked up and saw all the boys looking at her, watching and waiting to see what namjoon would say to her.

kim namjoon was the obvious leader. the others ran on his call. they'd fight on his call, stop fighting on his call, make friends on his call or even drop friends on his call. whatever they did, had to be approved by namjoon. another thing he was known for, even among the teachers, his killer dimples. hae could see why, they made their appearance every time he moved a slight muscle on his face

then there was kim seokjin, he seemed quiet. he never talked much in all the classes he shared with hae. she didn't even understand how he made it into their group, he seemed so different from them but she didn't know him well enough to be sure of it. for all she knew, he could be the worse of them

there was min yoongi, he probably scared her the most next to namjoon. even though he wasn't the tallest or towering over the others, he always had this fierce look in his eyes, as if he'd kill you with just a glare. he tended to get into the most fights and almost never lost, which wasn't much of a surprise considering his opponents shook with fear even before he touched them. he had quite the musical talent as well, rumours went around school that he produced music but it had always stayed a rumour. no one knew for sure.

jung hoseok stood beside namjoon. hae had seen him dancing in the gym alone on many occasions. his body was made for it, his limbs moving to the beat of the music as if it was his first nature. although she had seen him fight a few times along with yoongi, he was the only one hae had ever talked to before. he was sweet, had a nice smile and didn't seem as cold hearted or mean like the rest. whenever he would talk to her, he'd talk about dancing or funny things but as soon as he rejoined the group it was as if he was a whole different person.

kim taehyung, aka the school's 'it' boy. although the entire group was shockingly good looking, taehyung had his own fanclub. he was always followed everywhere, girls swooned for him. as soon as kim taehyung entered the building, girls were all goo goo eyes for him. creepily enough, even the teachers would let him get away with anything all because of his looks and charisma. to hae, he was just another pretty boy with no feelings or care for others. he seemed to enjoy the attention, winking here and there and just acting like a total narcissist.

then came jeon jungkook. he was such a typical bad boy that it seemed like he walked right out of a fanfiction. the rest were proud of him, acting like excited parents on the day he had gotten in his first fight and won. they were proud of the fact that they had changed him into one of them. proud that he was like someone they could control.

and then there was park jimin. hae felt herself blushing just thinking about him. she had had a hopeless crush on him for years. his walk, his talk, his existence all made life so much more difficult for hae. she felt as if she had been obvious, bringing him up in conversations between her and hoseok and even offering him food this one time, but he was entirely oblivious.

"don't you have anything to say to me?" namjoon's voice asked, interrupting her thoughts.

"huh?" she squeaked, lifting her head up.

"i said, don't you have something to say to me?" namjoon repeated, stepping closer to her.

she swallowed the lump in her throat as she took a step back. she glanced behind him, yoongi and jungkook stood against the wall, smirking at her as they laughed. taehyung, jimin, and jin stood at the lockers a few steps away, watching namjoon. hoseok stood beside namjoon, sighing as he stepped forward.

"an apology hae, you have to apologize" hoseok muttered, namjoon turned to him and nodded before facing her again.

"you really hurt me" he said sarcastically, pouting as he stepped towards hae again.

"i-im sorry" she managed to croak.

they all burst into laughter as her cheeks burnt, namjoon put his arm down and hae looked down before racing to second period.

her heart sunk seeing jimin laugh at her,

i hate him.

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