six | ice cream with a catch

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s i x

"ice cream? seriously?" maryam asked, unamused as she sat down across from namjoon

he merely smiled and motioned for the rest to join him.

in the end, to her delight, hae ended up sitting beside jimin. he smiled at her as he sat down, scooting over to make room for her.

he's so cute, hae thought to herself

she looked up to see namjoon looking at her, she could have sworn she saw him wink at her

he did not just read my mind. again.

"there's no harm here, we just eat ice cream and ask each other questions so we can all become friends" namjoon explained

the others nodded as hae and maryam looked at each other.

this was a bad idea

"it's not that bad of an idea, it'll be fun, as long as you follow the rules" namjoon smiled,

he just did it again, he must be a psychic or something.

"so we just eat ice cream...?" jimin asked, his voice was like honey, a soft melody to everyone's ears. especially hae's

hae caught herself staring at him while he was in conversation with taehyung who sat beside him on the other side. he had such a perfect jawline, his hair blew slightly in the wind and the way he spoke made anyone want to melt. he had this elegant side to him, whatever he did, he carried it out with elegance. hae didn't have many words to describe him because his personality or looks couldn't even be captured in words

"if you don't answer the questions then you have to do anything i ask you to do. do you accept the challenge? or are you too scared?" namjoon asked, his eyes twinkling as he looked at them both.

hae wanted to stand up, to walk away from this, but maryam nodded her head. "i'm in"

hae wanted to strangle maryam at this very moment but relcutantly nodded her head too, "i guess so" she whispered.

namjoon smiled as he reached into the middle of the circle, scooping out ice cream for everyone and handing it to it's owner. "i guess you two are tougher than you look" he commented

much to hae's dismay, the game began with namjoon. he turned to his right, yoongi was leaning slightly on the trunk of the tree behind them, taking small bites of his ice cream as his eyes followed what was going on

they all watched in a silent daze as namjoon took a moment to think, everyone's eyes moving along to namjoon's movements

"what do you want to accomplish after you graduate?" namjoon asked

yoongi's eyes widened as he stared at namjoon.

"that's private"

namjoon shook his head, "hyung just say it. trust me"

yoongi sat in silence. the others all clearly knew the answer to this question but namjoon wanted yoongi to say it again, in front of hae and maryam

"what the fuck? no." yoongi protested, ignoring namjoon and continuing to eat his ice cream

namjoon groaned but said nothing, pointing towards taehyung.

jimin leaned over and whispered something to taehyung, both of them erupting into laughter

"hurry upp" jungkook whined, waiting for taehyung's question

"ok, ok. so— do you—" taehyung began, trying to speak through fits of laughter.

"bro, hurry up"

"do you want to tell us the story of when you ran outside naked at the age of 12?" taehyung asked, he and jimin both now red in the face with laughter

jungkook groaned as everyone began to laugh, even maryam. hae couldn't bring herself to even crack a smile. the whole cafeteria scene still playing through her head.

"no" jungkook replied firmly, putting his cheek onto his hand as he looked to the floor sulkily

namjoon pointed to maryam this time, the questioner was none other than yoongi.

"ouuuu~" the others teased, yoongi glared at them whilst maryam looked to the floor, annoyed.

"do you want me to give you a dare or ask a question?" he asked, his voice firm

"dare" maryam replied, hae mentally facepalmed herself

maryam was just trying to act tough around them, what if yoongi gave her a hard dare and she wasn't able to pull through with it?

"damn" jin and taehyung muttered at the same time

yoongi scratched his head as he thought of a dare, dropping his hand as his eyes lit up. a lightbulb going off in his head.

"i dare you to ask baekhyun out, in front of the whole cafeteria" he said, smirking

maryam's smile dropped as everyone around her hollered and cheered

"damn yoongi, how'd you think of that?" jimin asked as they high fived.

"i can't" maryam said, crossing her arms

the smile dropped off of yoongi's lips, "why not?"

a smirk resumed its place on his face, "scared?" he mocked

maryam let out a bitter laugh, "im not allowed to date people"

jimin scratched the side of his head, tilting it slightly, "why not?"

maryam almost facepalmed, she pointed to her head as if it was the most obvious thing in the world

"your scarf? how does that stop you from dating?" taehyung asked, his eyebrows knitted in confusion

"shes muslim, shes not allowed to date" namjoon said.

maryam nodded, "it's part of my religion"

"yeah but i never said to date him, just ask him out. you don't have to go on a date. i mean, unless you're too scared"

maryam paused, assessing the situation in her head before nodding. "fine I'll ask him to just hang out, nothing romantic"

yoongi nodded, "yeah whatever"

jimin was practically squirming in his spot beside them. eager to ask hae his question

everyone turned to look at him, curious as to what his question would be. hae's heart hammered in her chest as his hand brushed by hers.

it's only a brush of his hand

it's only a brush of his hand

it's only a brush of his hand

"can me and you go for some food" he asked, grinning as everyone facepalmed

hae let out a nervous laugh, "sure" she replied, trying to send him a genuine smile

"it's a date then!" he exclaimed, laughing

hae didn't know if he was joking. the others all laughed as well, maryam was the only one who seemed as shook as hae did

a date?

(a/n: yes, maryam is muslim and wears a hijab. i feel like not many fanfics have muslim characters in their books or ones who wear a hijab so i decided to add one into mine and have moments in the books that address certain stereotypes. she won't be dating any one since it's not allowed in islam but crushing is obviously allowed and oh man, she got a fat crush on yoongi)

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