nine | setting things straight

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maryam (2 days ago)

maryam packed up her things to head home, she stuffed her worksheets into her backpack and sighed, pushing back on her chair and following the others outside the classroom.

"see you tomorrow" hoseok yelled over the chatter of the students, smiling at her before disappearing down the opposite hallway.

after her whole 'ice cream' encounter with the guys, hoseok had sat beside her in her last class making things much more enjoyable.

she quickly went to her locker, swapping books she'd need for her homework tonight. she had so much homework to do that just the thought of it made her want to fall asleep.

she felt a presence behind her, not bothering to turn around she ushered hae to hurry, wanting to get as soon as possible.

" hae hurry up" she whined turning around.

but it wasn't hae.

behind her stood none other than the min yoongi.

her breath hitched as he took a step closer, his eyes were cold.



they were completely different from the day they had all sat down to eat ice cream. then they had been soft and sweet, almost inviting, but today his icy stare sent shivers down her spine.

"follow me" he said harshly, his sudden words causing maryam to flinch. he began to walk a little but maryam stood frozen in her spot.

he turned around, "i said follow me, can't you understand instructions?" he barked,

usually she would have retorted with a statement of her own but right now didn't seem like the best time. she nodded slowly before grabbing her backpack and following him out of the school.

as they walked, people stared and began to whisper. she wanted to make herself small, invisible even, but yoongi looked even more pissed than she seemed to be. what could he possibly want to talk to her about?

he led her to the side of the school, farthest away from the largest crowds of kids and the main doors. he stepped towards her again as she tried to make herself small against the brick wall.

"what's your fucking problem?" he asked, his eyes had changed again. his almond shaped orbs, the mesmerizing eyes that had made maryam slowly fall for him in the first place now seemed so scary.

𝖎 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖚, 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖚 | 𝖕𝖏𝖒 Where stories live. Discover now