seven | the first of many mistakes

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s e v e n::

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s e v e n

hae had tried to forget everything that had happened with the boys recently. she had been avoiding them but since there were so many of them, that was impossible.

"hey hae" namjoon greeter as he passed her in the hallway.

she froze, looking around her as all the kids in the hall stared. namjoon didn't seem to notice, or care, as he continued walking away without looking back or saying a word.

"do they have a thing with them or something?" a girl whispered to her friend as they passed hae.

the opposite of what hae had wished was happening, she had wanted to spend this year going unnoticed, just graduating and getting the hell out of this school.

instead, she had involved herself with the wrong people. now everyone's attention was on her and maryam along with the boys.


this wasn't the plan.

the plan was to graduate and make it to ridgeview. that was her dream but right now, things weren't looking too great.

"hey hae" jimin and jungkook greeted as she entered the classroom.

her cheeks immediately flushed with colour as whispers erupted through the class. she smiled weakly at jimin, not caring to even glance at jungkook, before rushing towards her seat at the back.

the majority of class passed with kids in the class exchanging glances with each other anytime jimin or jungkook said anything to hae.

jungkook had asked her for a pencil,

jimin had smiled at her a few times and jungkook had even cracked a joke in hopes of getting her to laugh.

despite his efforts, she didn't smile.

she hated jungkook the most. hate was a strong word but the scene in the cafeteria had never left her mind. her hate for him grew when she saw hyungwon again, sporting a bruised lip and black eye.

all for what? to get laughs from others? it wasn't cool nor funny to her and she had her mind set on never interacting with him, ever.

as soon as class ended, hae met up with maryam, planning on eating outside of school for today.

they needed to get away from the stares, from everything. they hadn't even talked properly at school because everyone was always glancing over at them

"come sit with us" namjoon invited as they walked into the cafeteria. sliding out 2 chairs from their table with his feet.

hae and maryam froze, the cafeteria bathed in silence. they glanced at each other, the boys all watching them as they slowly sat down.

𝖎 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖚, 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖚 | 𝖕𝖏𝖒 Where stories live. Discover now