forty-four | the escape

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f o r t y - f o u r ::

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f o r t y - f o u r


hae woke up with a pounding head, hers legs were sprawled over an unfamiliar bed. a faint sliver of moonlight shone through the window and even that made her wince in pain.

she had never experienced a hangover but she had read about them and this had to be it. in no time she came to a conclusion, it was not worth it.

she heard voices not far from where she lay and it hit her. she sat up straight, heart beginning to thump in her chest as she took in the unfamiliar and eerie surrounding.

the room was clean, all except for a jacket slung over the back of a chair and a cap resting on top of the small dresser in the corner of the room. the sheets were all folded neatly below her, the only wrinkled part was the place where she now sat

her eyes landed back on the items of clothing, the only foreign things in the room. they definitely didn't belong to jimin, he wasn't even wearing a hat the entire day.

the voices moved from down the dark narrow hallway, coming closer to where she sat, frozen in fear.

she didn't know what to do. she knew she wouldn't have much time to get out of the room and get far enough for whoever it was to leave her alone

the figure stepped out from the dark shadow of the hallway, a crooked smile growing on his scarred face.

"you're awake huh?" he asked, nearing her side of the bed

she moved away from him until her back hit the headboard. adrenaline pumped through her veins and she tried her best to remember some fighting skills she had learned from watching the guys

the sound of a phone ringing interrupted the man. he pulled his phone out, his eyes widening slightly at the caller id

he shuffled away from her and back down the dark hallway, deep in conversation with the person at the other end

this is my only chance.

she threw her legs over the bed, nearly falling over but managing to stabilize herself before rushing towards the door.

the man was clearly not an experienced kidnapper as he had left the door unlocked. he had probably thought that she wouldn't have woken up by now

she pulled the handle and raced down the hotel halls. not much time had passed before she could hear his yell and his voice following

𝖎 𝖍𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝖚, 𝖎 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝖚 | 𝖕𝖏𝖒 Where stories live. Discover now