Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13

Immediately I tapped my shoulder and my quiver appeared. I silently thanked Tyson for making me this set, as it came in handy. I took out my retractable bow and loaded it, ready to aim. I didnt know if i was aiming for the demigod or for his dagger. I just fired my arrow, without thinking about my target. Chiron's voice ran through my head "Never fire without aiming, Priya." One of the first things he taught me when I arrived at camp, as I had almost shot his tail.

I heard the demigod struggle and then he was not seen again. I ran up to the opposite side, where he was, climbing over rocks and sneaking up on him. He laid on the ground with one arrow in his leg and one in his hand. The dagger metres away from him. I hit his arm. But that was not my arrow was not in his leg.
"Will!! We got him!!" I shouted. Will ran towards me shooting arrows behind him. "There's more of them, Priya. We cant fight them all off."
I pulled out my sword and ran after Will, both of us looking back and fighting. We ran out through another exit and ended up on the western side of the mountain, where we had started. Will pushed a huge boulder to block the exit, no matter how much I fought with him to not seal it. Jay was still in there after all
We took a break and rested, gasping some of the fresh air, and wiping off our sweat.

"Did you see him? Just hanging there. I should've stayed with him. We shouldn't have left him there!" I said.
" If we stayed we would've been dead by now Priya. Either dehydration, lack of oxygen or those monsters would have gotten to us, and I didn't want to figure out which one was a worse way to die. This is more serious that I thought it to be."

"Why did you fire to hit the boy's leg instead of disarming him?"
"I didn't aim to hit anyone. I didn't even see the guy until you called out. "
" Then who hit him? I only fired once."
" I don't know. Maybe an arrow just went stray when I was fighting. "
"Maybe," I said, still unsure.
We talked about what we were going to do to rescue Jay and how we were going to get him down safely. We decided to rest, until we heard no more screeches inside and the path was clear to go.

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