Chapter 7.

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* a week later*

My cut was healing good so far, and all that was left was the scar where the sword had cut open. I no longer needed the crutches to walk, though I still limped slightly to reduce the pressure.

I saw some campers doing early morning training techniques, with Percy while some were just warming up with sports.

Jay was sitting on the ground talking with his brothers while Aria was learning sword techniques . She kept arguing with Percy on the proper way to do it. Though he contained his anger, I could feel it from the intense stares he gave her, whilst still trying to be nice since she was new.

He let everyone have a turn to solely defend themselves against 5 charging campers. It was her turn and she defeated the 5 campers with her own techniques. She then took on Percy and started to fight with him in her own way, ignoring the defense and offense tactics he had taught them.

Everyone gathered around to see them fight. She fought with him until he used his technique to disarm her, with a false swing to he left, and then quickly turning his sword to knock hers away from her grip Her sword fell to the ground and he stood there with a grin.
"Nice fight. You could learn more though. Techniques are important in a real battle, but you need to trust your instinct more."
Then suddenly a flashing light appeared above her and an owl, the symbol of Athena was revealed.
A daughter of Athena? Why did it have to be her? Everyone stared at her until she realised that she had just been claimed, and Chiron galloped towards her, now introducing her as a daughter of Athena.

At around 7 after dinner, I decided to look for Jay because we haven't hung out in days and today we had a date. I walked to the lake, our usual spot and I saw him sitting with Aria on the shore talking about being claimed and laughing.

I turned around and headed to the amphitheatre and I sat around the campfire thinking about the dream I had earlier this week and why I didn't have anymore.
Jay and Aria walked up to the campfire and sat down under the dark shadows of the amphitheatre, with her wearing his jacket, since the nights were now getting chilly.
I looked away because I didn't want to see them together. Jay and I had plans for a date tonight. I guess he forgot...

Or maybe he chose her over you my subconscious reminds me.

He wouldn't do that, I argued with myself. He's not that kind of guy.

He's a son of Aphrodite. He's exactly that kind of guy.

"It hurts doesnt it? Seeing the person you love with someone else," someone from behind me whispered. I looked back at the guy behind me before leaving, not to wanting to see more of them, and feeling even more tired as the campfire flames lowered, as campers retreated to their cabins.

The Blood of Poseidon [Based on Percy Jackson]Where stories live. Discover now