Chapter 42.

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Chapter 42

Priya and Percy returned to their cabin, grabbing their stuff and going to shower and get refreshed. Percy clothes were torn and burnt, even his hair was sticking up all over. Which honestly didn't look worse that how it usually is.

He took off his armour, as she brushed through her long brown hair, finding it unusually that Percy was quiet for once after a battle.
She turned around to look at him, and suddenly he started asking questions. Not evening waiting for her response, but just rattling it off his tongue as if he would forget them, if he stopped for a second

"Percy just breathe!" She snapped at him loudly, as his chest rose quickly trying to get air into his lungs.

"Answer the questions," he started at her sternly.

"Ed and I couldn't sleep so we were walking around, then we heard something in woods and we followed it. Yes it was stupid but it was also instinct to just go after it. As for your vision, that never happened to us. We were there and followed the sound and got lost until I called for blackjack and he brought us back."

Percy swallowed the lump in his throat before walking up to her, so she had to tilt her head upwards to look at him. He sighed before asking "are you okay?"



"Percy, I'm fine honestly. I need to fight because I can't think of anyone else who wants revenge more than I do. I need it for what they did to me. We need to win this," he voice broke at the end and she tried to prevent herself from crying. Percy pulled her in for a hug, and the tears finally slipped and he just held her there, hoping that it wouldn't be the last time they hugged.

He held back his tongue, not wanting to worry her further about his suspicions of Zale. Especially when he and Priya had bonded so much when they returned.

"Percy! Wake up!" She shouted, as his eyes flew open, and he immediately sat up, groaning from the blood rush to his head. He stared at her seeing the worried look on her face, before closing his eyes and falling back in his bed.

They had already showered and ate breakfast, and most of them had returned to bed, whilst the others were on patrol.

"What happened?" She starred at him intently, waiting for his response. He stood up, walking over to the fountain and the window, opening the blinds to let the midday sun in.

"The same dream again. Except it wasn't you and Edward," he looked at her worriedly.

"Who was it?" She panicked, but tried to keep her voice steady.

"Aria, and some other kid around her age."

Priya looked at him, their glances said more than the words that came out their mouths.

"Percy, I'll handle-"

She was cut off when he fell to the ground clutching his chest. She screamed his names multiple times, reaching down to help him but his face was screwed up in pain, and his chest was rising and falling rapidly.

"Annabeth-" was all he managed to say through his breaths. "Trouble."

"Priya grabbed her chest plate and flung it over her, before swinging her quiver over her shoulder. She threw his plate at him, and he placed his hand into the saltwater fountain, hoping that it was help him to gain back some strength.

They both picked up theirs swords. Percy's in the form of his pen- and Priya's in the form of her anchor bracelet.

They sprinted out of their cabin, towards the source of screams and shrieks, just outside the dining pavilion.

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