Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12

I stared in horror at the picture in front of me. Will's hand tightened around my jacket, as if he was afraid to let me go.

I saw something move from across the room and I ran behind a pile of rocks pulling Will with me.
"Will..this is it. My visions," I say recalling them so vividly. " We need to save him. Please." The desperation was clear in my voice.
"We will. Priya, he'll be alright," Will said, though he sound unsure.
We whispered out how we were going to rescue him when a loud noise sounded near.
"Was that a roar?" Will asked.
"Sounded like it."
"A minotaur?"
"Please don't be a minotaur."
"So attack?"
"That's what I was thinking," I said, pulling out my sword.
"You go left, I'll take right," Will said, taking out his bow.

I rolled to the left and hid behind another rock. I walked to the side making sure to be covered by the rocks. I peeped out from the end of the column of rocks and I looked up at Jay. He seemed to be unconscious. He hung there, with ropes around his body and his face, blood red due to him being upsided down. His clothes soaked with sweat, as the heat only kept getting worse, making it difficult to breathe.

Oh Jay. What did you get yourself into? How long have you been there? I hope you're okay. Aphrodite, please keep your son safe.
"This is an offering to you, Kronos. The son of the Goddess created from your Father's blood. Accept this offering and rise, Lord Kronos," a small, shy voice through the cave. He sounded frightened. Jay is an offering! Oh gods no.
I waited to see the person raising the offering to Kronos. From the shadows a small boy, with brown hair, about 14 or 15 years old emerged with a dagger in his hand. He was going to cut the rope that Jay was hanging from, dropping him into the lava. Lava that I assumed met the depths of Tartarus, where Kronos was currently held.

Too many emotions ran through my mind. I had no idea what to do. He walked closer and climbed up onto some rocks to get a better angle, as held the dagger up.

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