Chapter 9.

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*Sunday morning*

"I would like us all to wish these three demigods luck on their next quest. They are Will Solace, the leader of the quest, accompanied by Jay Walsh and Priya Campbell," said Chiron while everyone cheered us on. "May the gods be with them."


After that note, we walked out of camp, with our bags on our backs and our weapons at our sides. Aegis, a tall blonde dude, with eyes covering his entire body, and also the head of security for camp, drove us into Manhattan, and dropped us off. We were on our own, to figure out exactly where we needed to go, using the prophecy.
Will still hadn't told me the full prophecy and I was furious, but he was the leader of this quest, and I was going to be by his side no matter what.

Will said that he had a vision of it and thinks that we could find the jewel here. Headed West, in what looks like a mountainous area that he recognised as the Spring Mountains in Nevada.

One problem though, I didn't know what the jewel was or even which of the gods it belonged to.
But I trusted Will's instincts even if he refused to tell us the full prophecy.

Will had bought us 3 tickets to Nevada, even though I was skeptical of flying in Zeus' territory, as he liked neither Percy nor me. I was afraid he'd blast us out of the sky, or just me, just to create some entertainment in Olympus. I silently prayed to Poseidon before boarding our flight, hoping I'd make it alive.

*3 days later*

"This is great. Who doesn't love hiking?," Jay said sarcastically.
" Oh come on, we've climbed hills before," Will replied. "Just think of this one as multiple hills combined," he watched the huge mountain ranges in front of us. We had searched multiple mountain ranges before, but we were sure it was this one. Even though we couldn't see the jewel, we could feel it's power emanating from inside the mountain. We just had to find the correct cave entrance, and hoped nothing attacked us. Nothing had attacked us, since we landed, and that out will on the edge of his seat. It was suspicious.
" Am I gonna have to listen to you two banter all day?" I asked jokingly.
" Fine we'll get going. Maybe search for a trail."

And so, we spent a couple hours searching for a trail until we walked through the deserted grounds and found one that leads around one of the mountains to the top. Hopefully the correct one
" Wow. Just great. It's an actual trail!" Jay exclaimed.
" Yeah cause that isnt suspicous at all," I said out loud.
Off we went, following the trail carefully as to not fall off or to collapse the trail. Soon it began to get dark and Will decided that it was best for us to stop and get some rest.
" Okay so I'll keep first watch since I'm not that tired," Jay said.
I laid down and used my bag as a pillow and my jacket as a blanket even though I had a blanket in my bag.

I fell asleep but shortly after the visions came back. This time it played further on to hear someone making a deal , but I couldn't make out the voices. Then suddenly I was in a cage and I was being tortured and my screams echoed in the cave.
I woke up suddenly and sighed of relief when I realized it wasn't real. Jay watched me skeptically.
"Nightmare?" He questioned.
" Oh you have no idea," I said sipping my water.
"Wanna talk about it?"
" Nah, it's okay."
I looked up at the stars wondering if I should tell him or someone about it. Chiron was the only one who'd know what these meant and I couldn't talk to him. Not now.

" Hey Priya?"
" Yeah?"
" What did you mean last night when you said that I didn't make time?"
" Jay..forget it."
" No, I won't. You need to talk to me, Priya."
" Fine. We meet on Campfire days. Remember? We go to hang out by the lake and talk about life. I went there to wait for you. But you were there with her."
" Aria?"
" Yeah. Her."
" Priya, she means nothing to me. I was just trying to show her around camp. Since when do you get jealous?"
" Jay. It's fine. Leave it alone."
"I need to clear it up becau-"

Three winged monsters- furies from the depths of Tartarus, jumped in front of us and started to charge at us. Their leathery sings sharp enough to slice us through, and their yellow fangs dripping with poison. Will woke up at once and pulled out his bow and shot at them with celestial bronze arrows. He hit one, but these were too powerful to die by just one arrow.
I pulled out my sword and went in charging alongside Jay.
As I ran at the monsters, one of them stabbed me in my back and I aimed my sword at it hitting it in its face before falling to the ground, as Jay tackled to the next one.

The furies disappeared before us, bursting into flames and ash and we knew it would be some time before they gained enough power to return.

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