Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10

I woke up to Will and Jay staring down at me.

"What are you guys looking at?" I said sitting up.
"The tail poisoned you, and you fell unconscious," said Will.
"For a few hours ," added Jay.
"What time is it ?" I groaned.
Jay checked his silver watch, peeling his worried eyes away from mine. "3 am."


We agreed to go back to sleep, once they were sure the poison was out of my system, but none of us slept. Will was constantly checking on me, to make sure I hadn't fallen ill again, and Jay leaned against the mountainside, and watching out for more monsters.
At the break of dawn, We continued on the trail until we saw an opening leading inside the mountain, after a few hours, that felt more like days. My legs were killing me, and our water was running low. We needed to get out of here soon, to return this jewel, before the end of summer.
We walked in stealthily and slowly, trying to adjust our eyes to the darkness, until the path split into 3. Ironic how it's always the same amount of people so that they can split up I thought.
" We should split up. It should lead to  the same path at the end, since it's contained in a mountain. Maybe we should explore and if we find anything, we can all go back later to investigate," Will said.
"Sure I'll take the right."

We split up into our separate paths. I  walked into mine and at once I started to freeze to death. Why was it so cold? It was summer, in the middle of Nevada. I walked further in until I tripped over something. Priya, now would be a good time to take out your torchlight I thought.
I took out my flashlight and looked down at what I tripped over. A body. Well, a skeleton. I just entered..why is there a body here? I tried to keep my heart from beating faster but my pulse was already ringing in my ears. I tapped my bracelet and it transformed into my sword. I had to be on alert now.

After what felt like hours of walking, i stumbled upon my first monster. A dracanae. Ugly creatures, with a serpent's tail. I pulled my dagger out of my belt and threw it at the dracanae hitting its shoulder. As it stumbled, trying to get the dagger out, I ran towards it, careful to avoid its tail, and lodge my sword straight at its chest.

I ran past it as it screamed in pain while it was vapourizing. I ran until I couldn't hear the screams anymore and almost fell underground. Underground??

I backed up and looked down. There was an opening in the floor leading to gods know where. I sat down and devised a plan to get over since it was much more complicated than just jumping. It looked like a 600ft drop, and I wasn't taking the chance since I knew that there were no bodies of water close by to save me, if I did fall.

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