Chapter 38.

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Chapter 38.

Percy stood in the arena, slashing his swords at the dummies, practicing his offense and defence moves, as other campers practiced, but their focus was on him.

Some of them at least. Other people were looking towards the opposite end of the arena, where Zale was training. His green eyes were even darker, as he slashed and attacked the dummies surrounding him. No one dared to move closer, or even try to train with him in a duel.

He completely slashed the head off of one dummy, before doing a full 180 spin and kicking the other dummy over. He picked it up at once, his chest rising and falling, with sweat glistening on his skin, as he continued to train. He trained so hard, he didn't even hear Priya calling his name, until she had deflected his sword that was about to slice the dummy's chest.

He stopped, trying to catch his breath, watching her carefully.

"Get back to the cabin," he muttered.

"You know I can't stay holed up in our cabin forever right?"

"I'm not training with you, you shouldn't even be training."

"Fine," she hefted her sword, looking at Zale. "I'll go train with him then."

Percy held her hand back, clenching his jaw. "Not on my watch. Take your position."

"You don't like him, do you?" She smirked, as Percy twisted his face with disgust.

"I don't like anyone who shows up to camp, and claims they've never wanted to come here, before they actually had to," Percy jabbed at her, But Priya deflected it, and swung her sword at him.

"Believe it or not, some demigods do actually survive without the help of camp half blood," she swung at him again, as they kept walking around in a circle, but he deflected it.

"Not sons of Haphaestus. Maybe children of the minor gods yes, but not the main 12. You know this," Priya took this moment of distraction to slice his upper arm, and he winced, before twisting her sword and pushing her back.

"He had his father's protection. He worked at an aquarium, helping to build better enclosures for the animals, until they could've nursed them back to health."

Percy stopped and turned to watch Zale, his entire shirt soaking with sweat as he took off his armour. His green eyes glanced at Percy, before stashing his sword into the rack and walking out of the arena. The tension in the room was lifted, and the campers returned to training, whilst some of the Aphrodite cabin watched them.

Percy tried to dislike him even more, but nursing sick animals?!? Especially sea animals? Why didn't Zale just say that?

"I'm done training,"Percy capped back his sword turning it into a pen. Riptide.

"Who in the Hades am I supposed to train with?"
"Why don't you ask Jay? You've been better for almost 2 weeks now and I haven't seen you two even utter one word, much less glance at each other. Why?"

"It's fine."


"Percy, leave it alone. We're good."

"And what about those nightmares?" Percy started at her intently ,remembering how last night he was awoken to her screaming and sweating. The way he jumped thinking it was his own screams, but was met with her huddled in the corner next to the saltwater fountain. The way he rushed over to her and held her, even though she wouldn't explain what happened. Not to him or anyone. No one knows the truth of what happened in the months that she was missing, except that it was so terrible and terrifying, she didn't dare speak of it again.

Priya glared at him, rubbing her fingers together at her side. It was a nervous tic of hers but she calmed herself enough to relax. "It's just normal dreams that we have. Nothing to worry about," she ran off before he could object.

Damn it, he thought as he watched her exit the arena.

The sound of a conch shell echoes through the air. The sound of Chiron's horn, calling all campers to the amphitheater for an emergency meeting. Percy capped his sword back, leaving his armour on, and immediately running towards where they gathered.

After getting settled in next to Annabeth and Grover, and once everyone calmed down and stopped murmuring about why this meeting was called, Chiron finally spoke.

Percy watched as Zale sat on the front steps, next to Jay and Aria, whilst Priya sat next to Edward. Since when were they friends? After Chiron's normal introduction, he finally started to pay attention, as the campers gasped at his words.

He explained the ongoing war between the titans themselves, and between the gods and the Titans. He explained that according to his sources around the country, there have unexplained attacks and phenomena to the mortal world that could only be explained as the army of the titans moving forward... or rather moving closer to them. Towards camp.

According to the pattern of the attacks, they should expect to be infiltrated by the next week, which gives them just about 8 days to sharpen their skills and their weapons. He explained that whilst the gods have been trying to fight and stop the titans, they still have to defend camp, since it is their home.

Percy rolled his eyes and groaned, shaking his head. Why does this always happen? Any the titans just accept their defeat for once and live in Tartarus, rather than constantly try to regain power over the gods.

It's Tartarus, his subconscious reminded him. No one wants to live there. It's torture.

Percy looked at all the campers gather, maybe 40 for the most, and wondered how they even stood a chance against these. Sure he's done it before, but that was with the help of the party ponies (chiron's brothers), the hunters of Artermis and even the cyclops. Now, all they had was half of the campers actually at camp, Chiron and Mr. D, who didn't seem interested or even worried that the camp was about to be destroyed.

Chiron dismissed everyone and Percy bolted down to catch Jay right before he left. He nodded at Annabeth to go on without him, and he waited until everyone left.

"What's up?" He nodded, fixing his hat, to cover his eyes from the setting sun.

"I need you to tell me everything. Now."

"What?" he laughed nervously. "Chiron just told us everything. What do I know?"

"Jay, you will tell me everything that wasn't said. Every single word. I know Zale called you privately and I need to know what he said, because I know it was related to this. I need to know everything from the moment you stepped foot outside this camp with my sister , yo the moment you returned without her" Percy said sternly, glaring at him.

And so, finally intimidated by him, Jay spilled everything to Percy. Every detail that Zale had mentioned to him. Even the fact that they think the titans might've placed someone inside the camp to collect information on their plans. A spy.
It felt so good to get it off his chest, but now after seeing the fiery look In Percy's eyes, he slightly regretted it.

Percy took out his pen, uncapping it and turning away, his eyes darker than before.

"Percy, no," Jay ran in front of him, pushing at his chest to hold him back. "You know that Chiron trusts him and he would've told you when the time was right."

"When it concerns my family, there is no right time," he gritted his teeth.

"No!" Jay's voice echoed around him, even though he barely shouted. "We have other issues to deal with right now. Like preparing ourselves for the invasion," he held him back, and though he wasn't stronger, Percy didn't fight him off.

"You don't get to talk now Jay. You betrayed me and my sister. Have you even tried to talk to her since she's been better?"

Jay looked at the ground, at the cracks across the floor. "Look, I-"

"No. You didn't. That's the answer. Get off me," Percy pushed him off before storming out of the amphitheatre and towards his cabin to get ready for dinner.

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