Chapter 43.

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Chapter 43

Annabeth had returned with two curved blades in her hands. Kampê's previous scimitars that they had stored in the Big House as spoils of war when they defeated last time in the Battle of the Labyrinth. She ran around the huge rocks, careful to avoid the venom and Kampê's and the Cyclops' huge footsteps.
Many of the cyclops had left, probably injured and couldn't fight again but she threw one of the blades to Jay.
'Go around,' she mouthed.

She was already preoccupied with Tyson, the beasts at the waist clawing and biting at him, but he held back her hands, trying to avoid the scimitars. She didn't notice that they had walked to her sides.

"And now!" Jay yelled, and they jumped at the same time slicing off her wings, before sticking the blades into her waist, right where her lower half met her upper half. She screamed in pain, before bursting into thousands of pieces and disappearing into this air. Tyson was bleeding more than he should've been and when they looked, he was bitten at the side of his stomach. His eyes looked sleepy, and he felt to the ground.

"Nico, take him to the infirmary!" Jay yelled as him and aria stood out from the rock. "And find out why Thanatos is here!"

Nico held onto Annabeth and Tyson, concentrating deeply, before they disappeared into the shadows. He knew it was a risk asking Nico to do such a thing, especially in daylight as it consumed too much of his power, but he needed to save Tyson. Because Tyson had just saved their lives. All of them. Shadow travel was the only way to get Tyson to safety, since none of them could've carried him.

Just as they disappeared, Jay heard growling through the trees behind them. He immediately turned, holding up his sword as Aria did the same. Towering above them were 4 Laistrygonian Giants. Standing at about 8 feet tall, these man eating cannibals had yellow pointed teeth, perfect for ripping into flesh, as well as tattooed arms and leather clubs for beating.

"Aria, run."

"No! I'm not leaving you here alone!"

"Just go!" He backed up, pushing her closer to the borders of camp, though that wouldn't have done anything because he felt it's power weakening. He knew that they would've still been able to get inside if they teared down the border. She ran once the giants moved closer and he used his powers to charmspeak the giants into beating and killing each other. It didn't work the few times as he wasn't fully concentrating but finally when he felt himself drowned of energy, he knew it had worked.
He never felt this lifeless before, but he had never tried to charmspeak giants before. 4 of them at that.
The most he had done was used it to get the Hermes cabin to return things they had stolen from him and his siblings.

Whether it worked properly or not, he didn't wait around to see. Using the remainder of his energy, he ran towards camps border's, seeing stars all throughout the blurry smoke filled atmosphere before collapsing.


Back at camp, once the sun started setting, the monsters including Lamia, the Carthaginian serpent and even Arachne had disappeared. They just burst into dust, leaving the demigods shocked and confused.

Thanatos landed next to the big house, looking around as the campers laid on the ground, from exhaustion, whilst the other tried to get their friends into the infirmary.

Chiron's chest was bleeding but he didn't seemed bothered by it, as he made his way into the big house.

"Thanatos," he stopped in his tracks, bowing slightly for the god.

"Chiron," Thanatos dipped his head slightly.

"Why are you here?" Chiron's voice echoed and more campers were now starting to gather.

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