Chapter 37.

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Chapter 37.

Jay looked at Percy, confused, before heading off towards the lake, with his sword still in hand, unsure of what Zale wanted. He strolled down on the gravel trail, towards the lake, finally breaking the corner and noticing the blonde boy sitting on the rocks, right where the water washed upon the shore. No one dared to sit so close the water, in fear of the sea nymphs bothering them or pulling them under, but he was a wonder. He wasn't scared of that.

"Aren't you afraid of the sea nymphs?" Jay spoke, as Zale was snapped out of his thoughts turning towards him.

"No," Zale replied calmly, as Jay sat next to him. Of course he hates the tricks that the nymphs play but then again, Priya taught him about the ways to evade them.

"What do you want, Zale?" Jay said, looking at him, finally playing down his sword.

"Priya," he said in the same calm tone, causing Jay to look at him suddenly. "You need to protect her."

"You don't know anything about her. You don't get to say that."

Zale nodded, holding his hands in the water as sea nymphs looked up at him. "I know you care about her. I know you would do anything to get her back. I know you grieved for her for months before she came back to camp. But it wasn't her. You know that. Even Percy knows it yet he refuses to believe that it's not her. Everyone cheered for her, and it seemed like she was here again but deep down Jay, you know that's not the same Priya."

Jay tightened his grip on his sword, flipping Zale over, so that he was now laying on the ground, with the point of Jay's sword to his neck, as he stood over him.

"Who are you?" He shouted, his chest rising due to the effect of Zale's words.

Zale held his hands up in defense, looking back at Jay, before gently sitting back up, leaving Jay confused.

"Jay, what do you know about mind control?" He asked, as Jay dropped his sword.

He answered hesistantly, about the basics of how it can be damaging to the host, but there can also be a little of them left in their own body. They don't know what's going on because their mind is occupied by something else, or someone else.

"Do you believe Priya is being controlled?"

"Stop talking about her! You don't know her well enough to be talking about her!"

"Which is why I'm asking the person who knows her best."

"Then you're asking the wrong person. You should've asked Percy instead."

"While Percy may know her the best, he is blinded by his protectiveness, and will not allow himself to even think of the possibility that his sister...isn't herself. However, Jay, while you may be blinded by your love for her, you know that she's not the same person you fell in love with. She's not your best friend that teases you. She's more tense, secretive, and that's not her."

"I swear to Gods if you talk about her one more time!" He gripped his sword harder, as Zale placed his hand in the water, waving to the sea nymphs. "You may have fooled everyone else, but I'm not falling for your tricks."

Zale ruffled his hands through his hair, smiling at Jay, placing his hand on his shoulder. "Did you tell anyone that Poseidon visited you and told you to keep searching for her?"

Adrenaline flowing through his veins, Jay lifted his sword, as Zale swerved from it, pulling out his own, to block the next attack. "How do you know about that? Are you a spy?"

Zale stopped, dropping his sword, holding up his hands. "Chiron mentioned it to me. At least he trusts me, more than I can say for you and Percy."

"He didn't know about it," Jay said firmly.

"You may believe that he knows nothing, but our dear centaur knows more than he lets on."

"And what may that be?"

Zale explained everything that Chiron told him. About the war that is planned within the next few months. He told Jay of the war stirring between the titans, and how many of them will invade camp to get demigods on their side, how there are already spies for the titans in camp. That they'll need most of the campers to be in full alert, even the ones in the mortal world, for whenever the attack happens.

"Now do you understand? Priya is in danger, and you're the only one who can help her, according to Chiron."

"We're all in danger, if what you say is true."

"It is. But you are still yourself, as is most of the camp. Everyone except her. She needs to regain her full ability, learn how to control and harness her powers, if she is to be ready for this war."

Jay sighed, looking at Zale, as he picked up his sword.

"Doesn't everyone else deserve to know about this war?" Jay asked.

"Chiron will tell all in good time. He's notified the ones on the outside, and he will notify all of us soon. His main purpose right now is ensuring that Priya is ready for battle."

Damn he seemed to always have an answer for everything.

"If Chiron trusts you, then I trust his judgement.  But don't mistake that for friendship."

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