Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11

After maybe a half hour of putting together materials, I was finally ready to try it. Of course it was risky but I wouldn't know if i didnt try. I picked up a few tricks from Tyson whenever he visited so I hoped this worked. I took my bow and shot it as far as I could into a crevice in the wall.

The rope attached to it flew across the fallen ground. I put on my leather gloves and prepared myself for what i was about to do. I put all my stuff into my backpack and held onto the rope.
I used my hands to carry my weight across the rope, hanging from it. Once I reached the other side, I was exhausted and my hands burnt through my gloves. I didn't know how much further I could go, or even how long this trail was, before I could meet Jay and Will again.

Will iris messaged me and I told him about my situation. He told me to watch out for man made traps and I promised him that I would be careful. He suggested that we get some rest l, and be in full alert as we continued.

I laid down with my head on my backpack and got lost in my thoughts. Why would there be man made traps? Unless something..or someone human is guarding what we're looking for.


After that it was all man made traps in the unexpected places. Somehow I managed to avoid all of them and make it out of there in one piece. I stumbled out into a huge hall, or rather the edge of the cliff, where Will was sitting waiting for me, as per the plan.
Where was Jay? I looked around but saw no sign of him.
"Hey, you alright?" Will asked.
"Yeah I'm fine, you? "
"Great. Now we just wait for Jay."

After hours of waiting and planning where next to go and what next to do, Jay didn't come out of his section yet. I was starting to get worried and I wanted to go in to discover where he was but I decided not to tell Will.
"Priya, maybe we should go look for Jay. It's almost night fall and then it'll be 2 days that he'll be in there."
"Yeah let's go."
We entered the pathway that Jay went through and looked for hours, but found nothing. We still didn't find him and i was beyond worried. Will and I defeated monsters and man made traps after a couple of hours and then decided to stop to rest.

As we sat and talked for some time, I heard someone's voice screaming. Jay! What was happening to him? I picked up my bag and ran into the distance where Jay's screams were emanating from. I bolted around the turns with Will running behind and shouting at me.

I entered a cave and saw Jay hanging from the ceiling, tied up, as Will held me back before I slipped off the cliff. I immediately felt the heat, and I willed myself not to look down to confirm, but I knew it was there. The lava and the sulphur scent gave it away. No. It can't be. This looked all too familiar.

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