Chapter 45.

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Chapter 45

The next morning was quiet and calm, the only noice in the air being the distant sound of the waves crashing or the rustling of the trees with the harsh breeze.
Everyone was at their assigned tables, eating small amounts of food, at the edges of their seats, though the harpies prepared an entire feast for lunch. One hand on their weapons, the other stuffing food into their faces, though none of them really enjoyed it.
Had it been under different circumstances, they would've loved the food, enjoyed the cold breeze and the ambience, but they all knew what this meant.
It was the calm before the storm. The quietness before all chaos broke free. The last chance they may have with each other.

Percy and Priya sat at their table, along with Tyson who's entire left arm was bandaged, but was probably the only one who felt happy about this. They admired his positivity in times like these.

Percy's eyes had been shifting between Annabeth to Zale, before finally catching his sea green eyes.
Zale looked at the three of them and smiled, nodding at Percy, as Priya waved over to him lightly. If only she knew who that was, she wouldn't have so much as spared him a thought.
Percy nodded back at him, before looking over at Annabeth, who was in deep conversation with her siblings, and a small smile settled on his face. He scanned the table for Aria, noticing that she wasn't there, and according to his last dream, she was the traitor. But dreams can be altered and misguided, so he hadn't considered her as the spy. That is until she wasn't there this morning, or even yesterday at the battle.

Priya looked at Jay, who was twirling her necklace around his fingers, but he never looked at her once. Her eyes landed on the familiar blue eyes, as Edward gave her a quick smile before returning back to his conversation with Will. Apparently they had made up from their fight last night and she couldn't be happier, knowing that if anything happened, he wouldn't regret it.

Percy put down his blueberry muffin, before turning to Priya and sighing.

"I have something to tell you. Promise you won't get mad at me or him, and only know that we did it because we love you and want what is best for you."

"What are you talking about?" Priya chuckled dryly, wriggling her eyebrows in confusion. This sounded a lot like a goodbye and she didn't want one.

"Priya, Poseidon is he-"

The loud sound of Chiron's conch shell interrupted him and a shout from a rough voice  echoed through the air.

"Eastern hills, Beach and Southern woods!" Clarissa's bellowed, as everyone shot to their feet, gripping their weapons. "Formations as practiced! It's now or never!"

The different cabins dispersed to their stations, using the plan they had created last night. The counsellors from each cabin has a meeting and they tried to create a plan that would provide the best defence, with the least causalities.

The 5 siblings from Demeter's cabin, accompanied the 7 from Ares' along with half of the Aphrodite cabin, in the Southern woods, and it's borders.

The 4 from Athena's cabin was accompanying Zale and Percy, and the 5 from Hephaestus' cabin down at the beach and it's environs.

Apollo's cabin was circling the air, waiting with their bow and arrows to take out any surprise attacks. The Hermes cabin were split between all three groups, to provide reinforcements and any other help they could gather.

Priya and Jay, along with the other half of the Aphrodite cabin were tackling the Eastern hills.
All other demigods from Nemesis and Hecate's cabins were accompanying them, most of them having fought in battle together, knowing each other's strengths and weaknesses.

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