Chapter 16

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I'm back at playing Mystic Messenger lololol



"No matter how incredible he was in the past, he's now a mere cook. It's easy to blow his brains out. You want to save this man right, Sanji-san? Please, leave this ship without a fight. I don't want to kill you." Ghin begged, shadow covering his eyes.

"Leave the ship?" Sanji got another cigarette and put it in his mouth. He glared at Ghin, "No way! Man, do you look stupid, you damn geezer. If you're like that, you can't set a good example for the fighting cooks."

"Hmph! I don't need a lecture from a little brat." huffed Zeff

"Where do you get off calling me "little brat", you damn bastard?! Quit treating me like a kid already!" snarled Sanji. "Ghin! Point that gun at me."

"Are you stupid?! You'll die!" Luffy said.


"Sanji-san... Why?" spoke Ghin.

"If you want to die so bad, I'll kill you in a refined way..." Pearl suddenly interjected.

"He's still alive?!" You looked at him in shock.

"Of course, I am!" He said as he began bragging about his 'amazing' skills again but you couldn't care less. He got serious again, looking at Sanji, "Don't move if you don't want your Owner's head blown off. The Absolute Natural Pearl... Surprise!"

He attacked using his shield, causing Sanji to crash onto the floor, spitting out blood.


"Sanji! Why aren't you dodging?!" Luffy asked.

"If I did, that damn underling would pull the trigger."

"Why? If you abandon this restaurant, everyone's life will be saved. It's a no-brainer, isn't it?!" Ghin spat.

"This restaurant is that damn geezer's treasure! I took everything away from that damn geezer... His power... His dream... So, I don't want that damn geezer to lose anything else!" Sanji yelled as he stood up. You noticed Pearl went behind him.

"Sanji-san, watch out!"

"Pearl... Cymbals!" Pearl attacked Sanji's head from both sides with his two shields. Sanji fell down on the ground with a loud thud. You rushed to Sanji.

"Sanji-san!" You glared at Pearl, who smirked at you.

Sanji clenched his fist tightly, "That damn geezer gave up his leg so I could live." He slowly stood up, with you helping him. "I-I can't repay the damn geezer for his kindness unless I risk my life for him too!"

"Why did you get up, Sanji-san?" Ghin's hand trembled.

Sanji smirked, "In order for this place to be a restaurant as long as possible..."

"You damn brat..."

"Ha! That's such a refined line. But this restaurant will be closed now and it will change into a pirate ship!" Pearl said cockily.

Luffy suddenly stretched his leg so high, earning a few gasps from the cooks. "Gum-Gum..." He stretched it higher before forcefully bringing it down, causing the platform to break apart. "...Battle-Axe!"

You stumbled at the sudden shaking and the platform where you've been standing at, broke. Fortunately, Sanji was fast enough to pull you before you fall onto the ocean. You let out a sigh of relief, thanking Sanji. You stared at Luffy, dumbfounded on what he did.

Runaway Celestial Dragon (One Piece X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now