Chapter 14

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I miss this arc. Nostalgiaaaa.

Oh, and I edited the previous chapter because I forgot that Luffy calls the reader by her nickname. Oops.


"Hey, you damn geezer! I'm the Sous Chef here. What do you mean you no longer needed me?!"

"You often get into trouble with costumers. You flare your nostrils the second you see a girl. You can't even cook a decent meal, so you're a dead weight to this restaurant. That's what I said..." explained the owner.

"Say that again..." growled Sanji. The other cooks snickered, laughing at him.

"Also, the other cooks steer clear of you... So go be a pirate or whatever, and just leave this restaurant already!" spat the owner.

"Say what? If I keep quiet, you just shoot your mouth off, huh? You damn geezer! The rest I could overlook, but I'm not just gonna let you trash my cooking! No matter what you say, I'll stay here as a cook! And, that's final!" Sanji grabbed the owner by his collar.

"Just what's the meaning of you grabbing the owner by the collar? You idiot!" He grabbed Sanji and threw him away, crashing on to your table with the crew. Luckily, you were all quick to react and grabbed the dishes before Sanji landed.

"Quit screwing around. No matter how hard you try to kick me out, I'll continue to work here as a cook... until you die!" said Sanji.

The owner started to walk away, "I won't die! I'll live 100 more years!"

"That geezer is never short of words..." Sanji grumbled.

"All right, you have permission! Now, you can become a pirate!" Luffy laughed, patting Sanji's back.

"No way!" Sanji fixed the table and placed a dessert and a drink in front of you and Nami. "Now... Sorry about that. I'd like to make up for it by serving you fruit macedonia, my princesses."

"Wow, thank you! You're so kind." said Nami, smiling.

"You don't really have to... But, thank you, Sanji-san!" You said with a smile.

"Any time..." swooned Sanji.

"And no apology to us?! I'm gonna sue you, you stupid love cook!" snarled Usopp.

"I'm serving you tea, aren't I? Thank me for that, long-nose." Sanji retorted, shoving tea in his face.

"Huh? You wanna fight? I won't go easy on you." growled Usopp before turning to look at the swordsman, "Beat him up, Zoro!"

"Do it yourself." Zoro sweatdropped.

"Stop! Please don't fight because of us." said Nami.

"Yes, I'll stop!" Sanji said, eyes taking the form of hearts again.

"Who said it was because of you?!" Usopp barked.

"By the way, you know..." Nami said in cutesy voice.

"Yes?" Sanji asked.

"The food you have here is delicious..." Nami held Sanji's face. "But it seems a little expensive for me..."

'Oh, of course...' you sweatdropped.

"Of course, it'll be free..." Sanji exclaimed, falling into Nami's trap.

"Thank you!" Nami beamed, hugging Sanji.

"Yours are not free." Sanji said, looking at Zoro.


Runaway Celestial Dragon (One Piece X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon