Chapter 10

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"Wait! Stop!"

Sabo suddenly bumped into a flower shop stand. You helped him stand up, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He ran and pushed the women in front of him, "Outta my way!"

Sabo tripped and fell down again.

"Are you really okay?"

"I-I have to tell them!" Sabo stood up and bumped into a man. He fell down again. The police took this chance to capture the two of you.

"We got them!"

"Let me go!" You struggled. Sabo kicked the guard that was holding him and attacked him with his metal pipe. Then, Sabo kicked the crotch of the guard that was holding you, causing him to limp in pain.

"Let's go!" Sabo said. Both of you run away but Sabo seemed to be slower because of fatigue. One of the guards got him.

"I got him!" The guard yelled.

"Sabo!" You stopped, looking back.

"(Y/N)! Don't stop! You need to warn Ace and Luffy! Don't worry about me, I'll follow later!" Sabo yelled.

You bit your lip and ran, without looking back.

"Don't let her get away!"


It was already sunset when you manage to get to the Town Center. You went here several times before with Ace, Luffy, and Sabo. You thought, 'I can't believe I got lost in High Town. Now, I'm just like Zoro...'

'Wait a minute, who's Zoro?' You shook your head, 'I don't have time to think about this! I need to warn Ace and Luffy!' You continued to run. You went to Edge Town and by the time you reached the gate to the Gray Terminal, it was almost getting dark.

You got in the Gray Terminal and sighed in relief. The flame didn't start yet. Then you heard several gunshots and suddenly, flame erupted. The flame was spreading quickly and the smoke started to cover the sky. You rushed to find Ace and Luffy, despite the fire. Your dress caught on fire so you ripped the bottom part of your dress. It made you easier to move. In the distance you saw Ace and Luffy tied up in a post.

"Ace! Luffy!" You called out and they noticed you.

"(Y/N)!/(N/N)!" They yelled in unison.

"Hang on, I'm coming there!" You yelled. You ran up to them, avoiding the fire in the process. You saw Ace trying to cut the rope with a blade. "Let me do it."

"It's hot! Hot!" Luffy cried.

"Where's Sabo?" Ace asked.

"He's... He's still at the High Town. He sacrificed himself for me so I could warn you. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything..."

"It's not your fault." Ace said. You finally finished cutting the rope. Ace stood up, "Damn! We didn't wanna be involved in this!"

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"Bluejam made us set up some explosives but we didn't know anything about setting the Gray Terminal on fire! He just told us earlier before tying us up in this pole." He explained.

"We can't get away! I don't wanna die!" cried Luffy.

"We'll leave you behind if you don't stop complaining!" Ace barked.

Luffy stopped crying in an instant, "It's not hot."

The three of you ran to get get away from the Gray Terminal.

"Whoa, it's hot!" Luffy complained before closing his mouth, "No, it's not."

"The fire is everywhere outside!" Ace yelled.

Runaway Celestial Dragon (One Piece X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now