♡Valentine's Special : Chocolate♡

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Yep, it's late because of the school work. I was supposed to upload chapter 3 a few days ago but I was busy with school, sorry! Anyways, this chapter is does not follow the story.

Warning: Angst, Death


Once again, you were lying on the bed on the sick bay, with lots of tube attached to your body. Oxygen mask covered your mouth and nose. The IV machine beeped loudly, breaking the silence of the room. Your condition have gotten worse. It was visible in your pale body. You could barely talk at all. You could feel your life force slowly draining away.

"I'm sorry (Y/N), I promise I will find a cure soon enough...!" Chopper sobbed while mixing medicine.

"It's not your fault. No need to feel pressured, great doctor Chopper." You laughed weakly.

Usually, you would expect his normal cute response of "not being happy at all". However, this time it didn't came. Chopper continued to mixing medicines while also crying. He knew it and you knew it because you could feel it. You were going to die soon but he just doesn't want to believe it.

"Hey (Y/N), hurry up and get better soon so that we can play again!" Luffy said, voice cracking slightly. Surprisingly, he is already aware but was trying to deny it. He believes in you. You are strong. Heck, you even almost beat Zoro while sparring.

"I don't think I can play with you again, Luffy." Everybody almost cried at this, even Luffy. Robin covered her mouth with her hands, tears falling down her cheeks.

Nami covered her whole face, sobbing loudly. Franky, Usopp, Luffy and Chopper didn't even bother to hide their tears. Zoro bit his lip hard trying not to cry, to which he failed. Shadow covered Sanji's eyes as it spilled tears. They denied the fact that you were going to leave them but when they heard you say it, they just can't. Time is ticking and your life slowly fades away.

You have been sick since birth. You're actually lucky that you lived this long since almost everybody who shared the same disease as yours, they didn't live this long. As time passes by, your body gets weaker and weaker. Your lungs struggled to breathe properly. Even simple movements you were able to do without a problem before, was painful. Fighting is out of question. Needless to day, you think you were becoming a nuisance to the crew.

"Sorry for being a dead weight to the crew..."

"Don't say that! Of course you're not!" Sobbed Usopp and Chopper nodded in agreement.

"Yeah! You were SUPER helpful!" Franky added.

You smiled at their response, 'What did I ever do to deserve them?'

"Oh yeah, I made chocolates for you guys. Happy Valentine's Day...!" You grabbed the chocolates you've made. Every year, during Valentine's, you love to give chocolates to everyone. You believed that by giving them, you were able to show how much you love and thankful for them.

Choco Choco no Mi, a logia type devil fruit and the name of the devil fruit you've eaten. You thought it was useless at first but you learned to use it efficiently in combat. It was just kind of like Mr. 3's Candle Candle no Mi. It hardens like steel, but melts in heat. Luffy and Chopper loved your devil fruit so much.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't have made this. Stop overexerting yourself..." Nami said, worried about your well being.

"It's okay really, and I'm not that weak yet." You punched her arm lightly, "See?"

You handed Nami a log pose-shaped chocolate. Meat-shaped chocolate for Luffy. Cola-shaped for Franky. You gave Zoro a sword-shaped chocolate with a little bit of alcohol mixed. Mermaid-shaped for Sanji. Cotton candy-shaped for Chopper. Violin-shaped for Brook. A pirate captain's hat-shaped chocolate for Usopp. And lastly, a replica of a poneglyph made using chocolate for Robin.

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