"It's a shame that you lost your first catch like that..." Sabo said sympathetically.

"Give it a rest. What else can we do when we're up against the Tiger Lord?" Ace said.

"But I caught that one! Why'd he have to take what wasn't his?!" Luffy got angry by the memory of it and jumped on the bridge, causing it to shake.

"S-stupid! Don't shake the bridge!" Ace said, stumbling for a bit. Luffy grinned and started to jump again and again.

"Hey, don't!" Sabo yelled.

"Cut it out!" Shouted Ace, who was starting to get annoyed.

"H-hey Luffy, stop it!" You latched on the nearest person, which was Sabo, causing him to get off-balance for a moment. Luffy jumped once more and he made hole on the bridge. He slowly started falling down.

Your first instinct was to grab Luffy but it was a big mistake. Ace and Sabo could have done it by themselves so you didn't have to interfere. Sabo grabbed Ace on his feet and Ace grabbed your feet. You were holding Luffy's hand. Luckily, you weren't wearing skirt or dress today because if you were, well, it would be awkward. You opened your eyes and saw how high you were.

"IYAAAAA!" You shouted, almost letting go of Luffy's hands.

"Sabo! Hurry and pull us back up!" Ace said.

"Alright!" Fortunately, Sabo was strong enough to pull the three of you up.

"Sorry." Luffy said, laughing.


"We're finally back... We've had really bad luck today. Let's just go to bed." Sabo said.

"We're back, but we're unlucky, huh?" Luffy laughed (It was a pun in Japanese. Pun on tsuita: arriving and tsuite nee: bad luck) "Ah, I sure am hungry!"

"And who's fault is that?!" Ace whacked his head. Now that you think about it, when all of you went to save Luffy from falling, Ace and Sabo dropped the food they were carrying.

"Ow!" Luffy groaned.

"Actually, I got some fruits before for our snacks but now, I guess it's for our dinner." You showed them your bag, full of assortment of fruits. It wasn't much since the bag was not really large but not small either.

"Uwahh! You're the best, (N/N)!" Luffy grabbed some of the fruits, stuffing his face with it.

"Hey, Luffy! Save some for us too!" Ace yelled. All of you ate, it wasn't as lively as back in Dadan's house but it was still lively. Eventually, Luffy fell asleep.

"But still, the first prey he'd ever caught got stolen... It's no wonder he got mad." Sabo said.

"Trying to fight the Tiger Lord is just far too reckless." Ace said.

"Says the one who fought one of Bluejam's crew member." You snickered.

"Shut up!" Ace looked away.

"Just kidding!" You laughed and soon, Sabo laughed too. The three of you yawned in unison. Luffy suddenly woke up and yawned too. You laid in your futon, sprawled out like a starfish.

"Brothers sure are a nice thing to have. If the three of you were part of my crew..." Luffy started giggling, imagining what it would look life.

"What are you laughing about?" Ace asked.

"Laughter won't fill your stomach, you know..." Sabo said.

"I've decided! Ace, Sabo, (N/N)! You should join my crew after all! Right? You'll join, won't you?" Luffy said, determined.

Runaway Celestial Dragon (One Piece X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now