Chapter 51 [3]

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Hey, guys sorry that I didn't update I didn't have a chapter written so to make up for it I'm going to give you two chapters today.

enjoy x

Charlie's PoV:

Alec and I walked into the canteen, and eyes turned to us as they did. News had gotten out to all the shadow hunters about my pregnancy and people were just being weird about it. We walked over to join the others, and as we sat down my phone rang.

"Hey luke"

"Charlie, vampires attacked the jade wolf" I got up from my seat and alec gave me a confused look but I just shook it off and walked out of the canteen.

"Are you okay?" I asked and I heard him sigh.

"The police think I did it, I'm in for questioning but the way it's going I think I'm going to be prosecuted"

"What the fuck! Do they even have any evidence?"

"Charlie I just wanted to let you know that I love you and your sister okay and that I want you to look after each other" he ended the call, I shook my head trying to think of a way to help him. I am not losing another parent.

I rushed back into the canteen, picking up my jacket and grabbing a few pieces of bacon, before kissing alec quickly.

"Where are you going?" he shouted after me.

"Luke's been taken in, he's pleading guilty after vampires attacked the jade wolf" I shouted back before heading off for the police station.

The detective left and as soon as he did luke turned to me.

"I told you not to worry about me"

"And let you end up in prison" I shook my head at the look he was giving me.

"It was my fault" I knelt down so I was more at his high and I took his cuffed hands in mine.

"It's the vampire's fault, not yours. Why would you take someone else's punishment? You don't deserve that"

"I do" 

"Luke," I said sternly.

"I left my pack. If I'd been at the Jade wolf when the vampires attacked, maybe things would have ended differently" he looked down and I squeezed his hands for comfort.

"Or you could've ended up like the everyone else and I would've lost my dad" he looked up when I said that a small smile making its way onto his face.

"Luke, you can't blame yourself for what happened"

"They trusted me and I abandoned them"

"So you're just going to abandon me and clary"

"You know that I will always love you"

"Don't leave, not now please don't. Clary needs you, and so do I. We both need our dad, we can't lose you like we lost mom" he turned away, not looking at me as I desperately tried to plead with him.

"I'm sorry kiddo" I just looked at him in shock. Before walking out, wiping away the tears that had fallen.

When I'd gotten back to the institute,  I went straight to the training room, and  I needed to let out my anger.

I immediately started punching the punch bag, as hard as I could; when a hand on my arm stopped me, I turned around and punched whoever it was in the face.

"Woah charlie calm down," Underhill said as he got up and walked towards me.

"Get away from me" I shouted as my magic pulsed around me, sending Underhill flying back. He laid on the floor groaning and that was when I realised what I had done. I rushed over, trying to help him up, but he pushed me away.

"I'm so sorry " but he just ignored me, pushing past alec as he entered the room.

"What the hell happened to Underhill?" he asked but I just ran past not saying a word, I needed some air.

When I arrived at the boardwalk, Clary was already there waiting.

"Clary, what are you doing here?" I asked as she turned to face me, probably with the same look of surprise that I had.

"I was training and I got so angry, I just couldn't stop. You?" I sighed.

"Basically the same, I used Underhill as my own personal punch bag" 

"I guess we both had the same idea as to where a good place to breathe would be" I nodded a small smile making its way onto my face.

"Beautiful night isn't it?" We both turned to see Jonathan at the end of the boardwalk.

"What are you doing here?" Clary asked her hand finding me and I gave her hand a squeeze for reassurance.

"Well I had my own business to attend to when I felt the sudden urge to stop, I guess our rune has brought us together" I scoffed.

"I was worried about you both, the anger that you both had, must've got a few shots in," he said stepping closer, so I let go of clary's hand and pulled out my seraph blade.

"Stay back Jonathan" he smiled wickedly.

"We were all destined to be together, and our meeting here tonight proves that" I scoffed.

"It's not destiny Jonathan, it's a damn rune," clary said and I turned around high giving her, earning a glare from Jonathan.

" Not the time sorry"

"I know you both love me, it's why you let me go, and why you aren't turning me in now. Come with me, I know you want to"

"No part of me or clary wants to do anything with you" he stepped back, the grin on his face growing.

"For now," he said before disappearing.

"What a dick!" I said as Clary and I started walking back the institute, her humming in agreement.

When I arrived back, I walked clary to her room before heading to Alec's office.

"Hey," I said as I entered and he was stood leaning against his desk, looking outside.

"Hey, you okay from earlier?" I just nodded.

"I don't what came over me. Is Underhill okay?" I said walking over and hugging him, his arms quickly wrapped around me.

"Underhill is fine, he forgives you I just think he's a little scared of you now" I laughed and alec quickly joined in.

Alec then pulled away and took my hands in his.

"Look as much as I love staying at the institute, I really want to move back into our new apartment. We barely got to stay there one day and I just want to live with you, and alone. But only if you are ready?" I smiled.

"Of course I will re-move back in with you, just don't break up with me this time," I said causing a guilty look to wash over his face.

"Why would I want to do that?"  he said pulling me closer to him before he leaned down and kissed me.

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