Chapter 35 [2]

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written: September 2019   Edited: February 2021

Charlie's PoV:

I sat waiting in the training room trailing my fingers over the words embedded into my wrist. The motion brought back the memories of my nightmares, that constantly plagued my sleep; so much so that I could barely sleep. 

"Charlie!" my attention turned to the young boy running up to me, I laughed as he immediately wrapped his arms around me.

"Hey slugger what's up?" I asked rustling his hair as he pulled away.

"The clave is sending me out on my first mission," he said giving me the widest smile.

"That's great!" I smiled, hiding the fear I felt for him.

"You're gonna be great you just gotta be strong. Have you told Izzy yet?" He looked down at the mention of Izzy's name.

"She doesn't want me to go!" I knew how much he depended on Izzy.

"Look max you are her little brother and the world is much more dangerous now, she's worried about you" He just looked at me his face blank before walking out. I let out a sigh, rubbing my hands over my face in an attempt to keep myself awake; I looked at my watch realising that Alec and I had planned to go out for dinner.


I'd finished getting ready, heading to Alec's office, his door was open so I just walked in. Walking through the doorway and seeing alec gently tapping away at the tablet on his desk a frown etched onto his face, confirmed that he'd forgotten. I let out a sigh, before walking behind his chair and wrapping my arms around him, my head resting on his shoulder.

"When did you get here?" He asked, swivelling around in his chair. He looked me up and down, pulling me into his lap as he did so. 

"About a minute ago" I placed my hand on his cheek, gently stroking his face. He looked me up and down again, confusion was written all over his face before realisation washed over him.

"I've forgotten about dinner haven't I?" He questioned and I nodded.

"I'm so sorry" I shook my head my hands moving to his face causing him to look up at me.

"You are busy, it doesn't matter these are stressful times" He smiled tiredly.

"You look amazing by the way," he said standing up and pulling me with him. His hands found their way to my waist. He pulled me in, his lips finding mine and my arms wrapped around his neck. He started kissing down my neck but I pulled away.

"I thought you were tired?" I looked at him quizzically. A smirk lit up his features as he looked me up and down again.

"Well I mean I was but then you came in looking like that and I can hardly resist" I let out a laugh as he planted another kiss on my lips.

"Well, I suppose we've both been pretty stressed really," I said and we both smiled before we kissed again deepening it, while Alec spun me around and pushed me against his desk. I pointed my hand at the door, the slam of the door echoing through the room.


"Woah Woah so you're telling me your sister is still alive?" I asked and Luke nodded. I had teleported to Magnus's apartment after he called.

"I don't get what this has to do with the downworld," Magnus said and I nodded my head not understanding Luke's point. He shook his hand causing me to see the paper clasped in his hands.

"Cleophas sent me this fire message. It appears that valentine's holding her captive." He turned to look at me.

"Charlie, magnus he still has the soul sword" My breath hitched.

"That's impossible"  I stood there silent. 

"I'll go tell Alec," I said, moving to leave but Luke grabbed my wrist.

"Charlie, Alec is head of the institute he might already know" I shook my head.

"I was just with him, he would've told me" Magnus grabbed my hand and I gave him a small smile.

"He wouldn't keep this from me" I looked at Luke and Magnus but they had the same look in their eyes that unsettled me.


I walked into Alec's office, my arms crossed as I waited for him to look up from the tablet and notice me. I quickly grew impatient, so I coughed to get his attention. He looked up shocked.

"Oh shit, I didn't miss another date did I?" I shook my head.

"Are you okay?" he knew I was mad.

"I thought so but now I'm not so sure" he stood up as I said that.

"What's wrong?" he came towards me but I took a step back.

"from the day I met you the one thing I knew I could count on from you was honesty. Absolute total honesty!" the look in his eyes said everything to me then.

"I can explain" 

"You knew about the sword?" I scoffed.

"I just found out I swear" he pleaded.

"When? When did you know? Tonight? When we were together did you know then?" He looked down, wringing his hands together.

"I did. Look I was worried that if the downworlders found out there would be widespread panic. It could have led to a rebellion"

"I understand that Alec but you couldn't have told me?" 

"I didn't want to ask you to keep a secret from your friends and family. Hell you're half warlock for god sake it wouldn't be fair to you" 

"Alec we don't lie, I told you everything about me.  Fuck! I told you all the shit that I held in for years because of my trust in you. I understand but you can trust me up, until this point we told each other everything" I started to walk away.

"Charlie" I turned to face him.

"I guess it runs in the family huh," I said before walking out. I heard him shout after me but ignored him, I was about to teleport to Magnus's when I got a text from dot and her location.


As soon as I arrived, I looked to see Jace being pinned to the floor. I used my magic to push the being back but it was strong and fighting against my magic the blue mist surrounded it.

"Charlie stop!" I did as clary said and I stopped pulling my seraph blade out. Whatever that creature was, it was burnt and its eyes were black.

It's Jonathon      

I looked over at Clary who seemed as shocked as I was.

That is our brother

She nodded at me the monster had been watching us stare at each other before going to launch at me. I stepped forward towards my brother.

"You're Jonathon arent you?" The creature simply turned his head.

"You're our brother you don't want to hurt us," Clary said walking over to me. Jonathon watched her every move and moved back slightly when clary's hand grasped mine.

"If you hurt Jace that's exactly what you'll be doing" He simply just growled at Clary and me.

"This is what you came for, isn't it. You can take this and go" She said holding out what I recognised to be the Mortal Mirror.

"Or you can come with us?" I heard Jace protest but I was solely focused on Jonathon.

"We can help you" Clary started, Jace's protests got stronger.

"Whatever Valentine told you, It's lies. Whatever happened in the past, whatever you've done it doesn't matter now. You're our family" I said but I was suddenly pushed back by dot who sent a pulse to Jonathon sending him flying back. She opened a portal behind us.

"GO!" she shouted but our protests were cut short when Jace dragged us through the portal. Jace dragged Clary away as soon as we were in the institute, I was about to head to my room when I saw Max walking and decided to follow him.

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