Chapter 34 [2]

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Written: September 2019   Edited: February 2021 

Charlie's PoV:

"How did he escape?" I asked, fear pulsing through me as I waited for him to reply.

"Charlie!" I turned to the voice, immediately opening my arms as my sister rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" she asked and I nodded pulling away, her hand quickly finding mine.

"The clave isn't gonna let this go unpunished. The inquisitor's sent an envoy to access the situation. Chances are they'll be the ones replacing me as head of the institute" I frowned, reaching forward and grabbing alec's hand with my free one.

"Not if we recapture valentine" Izzy, hope laced her voice as she started to make up a plan, but I let out a sigh once I saw the look on Alec's face.

"Listen I appreciate the effort but valentine escaped on my watch. I deserve to take the heat for it"

"It's not your fault," I said the others nodding in agreement.

"Jace and I were in charge of the transfer team" Izzy started but suddenly stopped, we all turned to look.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Izzy asked.

"I'm the claves envoy," Robert said before looking at Alec.

"We need to talk" I gave alec's hand a squeeze to try and give him some assurance but as he followed his father I knew this wasn't going to end well.  I watched until he wasn't visible anymore, turning my head back to face the others who were already looking at me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"We are waiting for orders," Jace said, smiling at me. I pointed at myself and he just nodded.

"Oh um shit, okay," I said flustered, but after a reassuring squeeze of my hand from clary, I gave out the orders; everyone dispersing as I did so. After everyone had left, I stood there shocked that everyone had looked to me for guidance. I took one look around, a small smile on my face as I made my way back down the corridor towards my room to grab my bow, that I had been fixing. 

As soon as I shut my door, pain raced through my arm. I clutched onto it, letting out groans of pain as I slowly pushed up my sleeve, my eyes immediately fell on words being etched into my skin. I hissed as more letters appeared and blood dripped off my arm. I frantically looked around for a way to stop the blood, rushing over to the other side of the room when I saw a towel. I quickly pressed it against my arm, applying pressure until the pain subsided. I hesitantly pulled the towel away, my heart pounding and my eyes wide as I read the message.

'Miss me? R x' I let out a choked sob as I held onto my arm, I reached around my pocket to pull out my stele, but a knock on my door halted my actions. I looked around my room and saw the blood on the floor.

"Charlie?" My sister said from the other side of the door. I quickly rushed over wiping the blood with the towel, before tossing it into the bathroom. I took one more pained look at my arm before I slowly pulled my sleeve back down, wincing as it connected with the wound on my arm. I then walked over to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it and seeing Clary and Jace stood there.

"We need your help," Clary said, walking into my room, Jace following behind. I shut the door behind them before turning around. 

"The clave has ordered us to look for valentine in Statten Island but we think that valentine is in Idris"Jace started.

"What do you want me to teleport you there?" I asked and they nodded.

"How'd you know?"

"Well, the fact that the clave doesn't want you looking in Idris means you don't have permission to go there so you can't get a portal and Magnus is out of town, and who is the only other person you know with magic?" I pointed to myself making Clary laugh.

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