Chapter 43 [3]

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charlie's PoV:

I blocked, ducking as Izzy's fist headed straight for my face. I punched back leaving her stomach exposed and hitting her, sending her falling to the ground.

"Guess you're feeling better then" she said grabbing my hand as I pulled her up.

"Yeah I mean my energy is slowly getting back to where it was" she smiled as we went in for a hug.

"Same time tomorrow?" I nodded before walking off towards my room. 

I greeted shadowhunters passing by as I quickly walked to my room desperate for a shower,

When I walked in there was a note on the bed next to some flowers. I walked over picking up the note which only contained an address. I smiled noticing the familiar handwriting.

After I showered I made my way to the address, confused as to why Alec would be in an apartment complex. I walked through the lobby, going in the elevator to try and find the apartment. 

After getting onto the fourth floor I found the apartment pretty much instantly, walking towards the already open door I pushed it open enough to see Alec sitting on a couch. 

His head immediately turned to me and a smile lit up his face. 

"Okay, what the hell is going on?" I asked and he simply walked up to me and handed me a pair of keys.

"Welcome to our new home" my head flicked from the keys to his face.

"You're joking right?" I asked completely shocked.

"Do you not like it?" His face suddenly turned very serious.

"No no I love it! I just can't believe this" I said going up on my tiptoes and kissing him.

"It's ours," he said wrapping his arms around me.

"When did you even have the time to find this place?" I said as I pulled away from Alec and started walking around the apartment.

"I started looking a while ago, I was going to consult you about it but after people kept nearly walking in on us; I decided that was enough and just bought the place" I turned around and smiled.

"Well, I love it" I ran to the sofa jumping on it and alec just laughed. He walked over leaning over the back of the couch kissing me gently. I turned around to face him, deepening the kiss when our phones went off.  

When he pulled away I groaned.

"For fuck sake! Why can't we have one day of peace" he just chuckled at me before pulling me up. 

"Don't forget to lock the door!" I said as I left the apartment before turning back and kissing Alec.

"Holy shit we have our own place" I exclaimed. Alec pushed me out the way and locked the door so I took the opportunity and slapped his ass and rant o the end of the corridor, he gave me a cheeky grin before he ran down the corridor towards me. I let out a screech as I made my way to the elevator pressing the 'close door' button as quick as I could and letting out a cheer as the doors closed just as alec got them.

The elevator doors opened to reveal an out of breath Alec with a smirk on his face. He walked into the elevator picking me up and putting me over his shoulder. 

"When we get back you are in so much trouble" I laughed as I opened a portal and he stepped through, with me still on his back.

When we arrived at the institute the alert had died down, just some downworlders who started a fight but nothing the institute couldn't handle alone. 

Alec had gone to settle some business, so I took to packing stuff up from Alec and I's room. I started going through the draws when there was a knock on the door.

I walked over opening the door but there was no one there, I looked around until my eyes landed on a box. I looked around again to see who had dropped off the box but with nobody inside, I picked it up and placed it on the bed.  

Inside the box, there was a key and a piece of paper. I smiled before grabbing my coat and making my way to the location. 

It was a warehouse my mind wondered too why alec would make me come here but I opened the door anyway.

"Okay, alec don't you think I've been surprised enough!" I shouted but there was no response. The warehouse was dark and I couldn't see anything.

"Okay Alec very f" I was cut off as I was slammed into a wall. I pushed the person off me, pulling my seraph blade. I tried to make out the figure in the darkness but it was too difficult all I could see was the faint shadow moving towards me. I used my magic to lock my attacker in cell of sorts. 

"Did you miss me?" My breathing stopped at the familiar voice. 


I used my magic to turn on the lights and there he was. He looked rough, on the bring of death but I didn't care.

"How are you even alive?" I said as his signature smirk overtook his features.

"You mean after you betrayed me and stabbed me?"  I gave him a pointed look, trying to get him to the answer quicker.

"Dominic found me. You remember him right? He helped to get you on our side until that idiot lightwood came along. What do you see in him anyway?"

"What is wrong with you? You tortured me for years, you made me question everything"

"But we had fun didn't we babe" I scoffed. 

"Call me babe again and I will rip out your tongue" he just laughed.

"Any way you must be wondering why I called you here. " I nodded.

"Release me first" I shook my head.

"No way! I don't trust you" 

"Charlie release me and I will tell you everything, like why you're being so ill recently and why your power is draining" I sighed letting down the barrier. He suddenly took a step towards, I pushed my seraph blade against his throat. 

"Stand back where you were" He held his hands up in defeat and stepped back.

"You are pregnant" I let out a laugh.

"Wow that's really fucking funny but I can't get pregnant and that's all your fault" He just smiled.

"You don't have to believe me but it's true. Your sickness is one because of the baby but also your body is repairing itself. Charlie, you died and got brought back by an angel, but they didn't just bring you back they fixed you completely."  I just stared at Robbie.  I didn't know what to say, it didn't make sense.

"Why are you telling me this?" 

"I promised your father".

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