Chapter 11 [1]

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Written: February 2017                                                Edited: September 2020

Charlie's PoV:

I huffed in frustration as I tossed in my bed for the hundredth time. I finally gave up, deciding to go for a little walk around the institute. I slipped on some shoes and grabbed my hoodie before making me way out of the room. I gasped at the temperature, I hadn't expected it to be so cold. I pulled my headphones out of my jacket pocket, plugging them into my phone and pressing play on my music. 

I got into the centre of the institute, humming and swaying slightly to the music.

"Nice moves" I jumped back, ripping my headphones out of my ears as I swung around to see alec, leaning against the wall watching me.

"Fucking hell!" I whisper shouted, my hand clutching onto my chest as he smirked at me.

"I'm actually serious about the whole bell thing, you keep sneaking up on me and at this point, I'm surprised I haven't had a heart attack," I said earning a chuckle from alec.

"What are you doing up anyway?" I asked as I tucked my headphones back into my pocket.

"Well I couldn't sleep so I decided to take a walk and here we are yet again" I scoffed.

"Seems me and you are plagued with never sleeping" he nodded.

"Seems so" I smiled as he pushed over the wall, walking closer to me.

"So were you having fun dancing?" he teased, earning him a light slap to his arm.

"I wasn't dancing I was swaying" 

"Looked like dancing to me" he teased.

"I will fight you," I said and he held up his hands in mock defence as we both laughed.

"It's fine, at least you can dance, I've got two left feet" I shook my head.

"Everyone can dance," I said and he quickly shook his head.

"Not me" I scoffed, grabbing his hands and pulling him towards me.

"What are you doing?" He asked, tensing as I grabbed him.

"Showing you that you can dance," I said before pulling him closer.

"Okay so your hands go here," I said moving one hand to my waist and grabbing his other hand in my own, as I placed my other hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, so we are gonna do the waltz" he looked confused, which just made me laugh.

"Just follow what I do okay I'm going to lead and just watch me" I said and he just nodded looking down at his feet.  I started moving and he followed, stumbling along and stepping on my feet, but after a few minutes, he started to get the hang of it.

"Look at that you are doing" I let out a laugh as he looked at me surprised.

"Now it's your turn to lead" he shook his head.

"That will end horribly" 

"No it won't," I said and he just slowly nodded his head, not believing he could do it. We started off with him looking down at his feet.

"Stop, stop!" I said moving one fo my hands away and putting it under his chin, pulling his head up, his eyes locking onto mine.

"You can't look at your feet"

"How am I supposed to know what I'm doing?" I smiled.

"You can do it alec, you just have to have a little bit of confidence and belief in yourself like I believe you can do this" he smiled at me before we started moving again. I let out a shocked laugh as he actually started doing it, our eyes locked with each other the entire time. The familiar feeling rested in my stomach and I felt the urge to just lean in and kiss him, but I knew I couldn't. His eyes were drawing me in, and we moved around the room, our eyes still locked until he suddenly pulled away. I frowned as he quickly looked anywhere but at me.

Sarcasm - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now