Chapter 26 [2]

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Written July 2017              Edited February 2021

Warning there is some violence in this chapter.

Charlie's PoV:

"Hey guys," I said walking over to Alec and Izzy who were having an animated discussion. When I reached them, Alec's arm wrapped around my waist and turned his head, leaning down and kissing me. I smiled at him before turning to Izzy who was smiling like a Cheshire cat.

"You actually did it. I'm so proud of you guys" she said and my mouth hung open in surprise before I turned to alec who had a deep tint on his cheeks and refused to meet my eye line.

"Okay you do not need to know about our sex life," I said laughing at Izzy's happy state before looking back at alec.

"And you need to learn when not to open your mouth," I said before all three of us laughed.

"Hey, you guys," a voice said, the three of us turning in the direction of the voice.  

"Hey, buddy," Alec said smiling as Max approached us, removing his arm from around my waist to pull max in for a hug. 

"How are you doing? Max! I missed you so much!" Izzy said next up to pull max into a suffocating hug. When she let him go max looked at me, a look of relief washing over his face making me laugh.

"Hey slugger," I said bending down and pulling him in for a hug and then we high-fived. 

"What are you doing here?" Alec said, causing me to turn my attention from max up to Maryse.

"Alec. Isabelle." She smiled at them, before looking me up and down.

"Charlie" I smiled sarcastically at her.

"It's good to see you all." She said. I looked between Alec and Izzy, wondering who was going to break first and by the look of Izzy's clenched fists and tense stance that it was going to be her.

"Izzy" I warned.

"Really? Cause the last time you were here, you turned your back on all of us. Especially Jace." She said, I turned to alec both of us sharing a look to which I nodded.

"Well, I best be off. You guys need to catch up. I'll see you guys later" I said motioning to Alec, Izzy and Max.

"As always it's been a pleasure," I said sarcastically as I turned towards Maryse. I gave a small wave as I made my way to Alec's room.


I took in my appearance, nodding at myself in the mirror as I shrugged on my jacket.

"Where are you off too?" I turned to face Alec who was leaning against the wall watching me.

"I need to go get Max something. He mentioned to me that he is going to have his rune ceremony, so I need to go buy a present and I've run out of pretzels so" I said and Alec laughed.

"Max said my mom and dad have been arguing a lot," he said and I looked up at him, giving him a small smile as I noticed the frown etched onto his face.

"Did you ask her about it?" I asked and he shook his head.

"I'm not good at that type of stuff," he said.

"Okay well, when I come back maybe I can talk to her, I know she doesn't really like me but maybe she needs someone who doesn't completely despise her to talk to," I said and Alec laughed. I leaned up on my tiptoes kissing alec before heading towards the door.

"I'll see you la.." I started but was stopped by a hand grabbing onto mine and pulling me back.

"Wait how am I supposed to plan Max's ceremony party? I need your help" He said.

Sarcasm - Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now