Chapter 27 [2]

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Written August 2017                     Edited: February 2021

Charlie's PoV:

I waved goodbye to Luke as I left the Jade wolf and walked over to the boat shack, where Simon was currently staying, knowing my sister was going to be in there. I placed my hand on the door, hesitating and preparing myself for what I could possibly hear when I enter the boat shack.

"You good?" I turned to see Jace stood behind me with a smirk on his face.

"I'm just mentally preparing" Jace let out a small laugh.

"Don't worry, so am I. Should we go in together?" he asked and I nodded, grabbing onto his hand the both of us sharing a look before we pushed open the door. We walked in, still holding hands as we ventured further into the shack until we both heard the noise and spotted the rocking canoe on the top shelf.

"Oh that's disgusting" I gagged.

"Well, I mean I'm pretty sure this thing is untippable." I heard Simon say.

"Oh, yeah?" Clary said.

"Yeah," Simon said.

"Well, I'll just have to see about that," Clary said in a way I really don't wanna hear. Jace and I shared a disgusted look, as we looked for a way to stop them. They tipped the canoe and I saw Clary pop up and take Simon's shirt off. She chucked it down and it hit Jace. I stifled a laugh as he pulled the shirt off with a grimace.

"How do we stop them?" he asked and I went to shrug, but stopped when my gaze landed on an airhorn. I ran over to it, Jace and I smirking at each other. The noise rang out loudly and Clary and Simon both popped up.

"Jace! Charlie! Hey," Simon said before seeing me and his eyes widened.

"What the hell are you doing? You know what? Don't answer that." Jace said and I let out a little laugh.

"Jace, it's okay I'm safe here." both Jace and I shook our heads and clary looked at me pleadingly.

"Until Valentine stops hunting you, the only place you're safe is the Institute." He said and I nodded.

"Clary he's right. We are safe at the institute" I said and she just glared at me.

"Really? I'm not sure you actually know how hiding works. The whole point is to, um, not be where everyone thinks you are. Trust me, I'm kind of an expert." Simon said, causing me to shoot him a glare.

"For an expert, you were pretty easy to find," I said and Jace smirked.

"Just be thankful I got to you before the Circle did," Jace said.

"I'm not afraid of them. I've been working on my fighting skills." He said, I let out a small laugh which did not go unnoticed by Simon as he shot me a glare.

"Oh, really? You wanna take this outside and give these fight skills a test run?" Jace asked knowing full well that Simon couldn't.

"Anytime, as soon as the sun goes down," Simon said looking outside.

"Guys, stop fig..." I screamed in pain and so did Clary. Jace rushed over to me as I fell to the floor clutching my hand.

"What's wrong?" Simon asked Clary.

"I don't know," Clary said looking at me. I screamed in pain as it became unbearable. 

"Come on we need to get you help," Jace said picking me up.

"Charlie I know this is shit to ask but are you able to use your magic" I gave a small nod, grinding my teeth together. I raised my uninjured hand, a portal popping up. Jace nodded at Simon who helped bring clary through, I squirmed in Jace's arms as the pain-racked through my body, the both of us waiting for Simon to come back through. He came back a minute later, Jace quickly making his way through the portal the both of us meeting the worried gazes of alec and magnus as we appeared in Magnus's apartment. Jace quickly walked over to the couch placing me on it.

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