Chapter 77

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Alice's POV

Cindy and I rushed through the tunnels to the safe zone that was under ground. A blast from above ground made the ground shake. Cindy ducked, trying to cover Mira as much as possible. Adrenaline coursed through my veins. "Come on Cindy," I told her. When the ground stopped shaking we continued making our way to the bunker. We got there and we laid the twins down before getting the door shut. It took both of us pushing the heavy door closed. Now the only way to open it would be one of the keys. We each had one, and so did our parents in case something happened to us. Cindy lowered herself to the couch, hands covering her face. Her shoulders shook as she began to cry softly. My eyes burned, but I refused to let the tears fall. 

"Alice," Cindy whispered. I sat next to her and she wrapped her arms around me, "I'm so scared." Another blast from above shook the walls. I could feel Adira putting her all into the battle above us. It was official, the war had started. Right outside our home would be a field where many would walk away. It was even possible our mates wouldn't either. 

Cindy then cupped my cheeks, "You have to promise me something." I looked into her teary eyes, "Anything." "If something happens to them, that takes us from you, you have to promise that you will keep living until you have our kids. Don't shut yourself away. You have to take care of yourself and them," She told me. If they were to die, I would be left behind until I had our kids. I would take my last breath the moment I give birth to the last one. I felt my eyes water, "I promise." 

She kissed me softly, but I needed more than just softness. I pulled her closer, my hand on the back of her neck, controlling the kiss. Cindy melted into her. When they pulled away they were both breathless. "We have to believe in them," Alice whispered. Cindy nodded, and curled up on the couch with Alice as they waited for the unknown outcome.

Qin's POV

The war had started. The rebels came in a large wave of every species imaginable. They fought in new and old ways, guns, swords, and magic. Our army ran out on to the field with the goal of keeping our home safe. My sword sliced through flesh, my magic burning and drowning the enemy. I lost my mates in the chaos. I had to bite down on my worry and panic. I had to focus on getting through this battle. Alice, Cindy, and the twins were safe, and that made being able to fight a little easier. 

I became nothing but a fluid motion of sword and magic. Every now and then I caught a glimpse of one of my mates. I couldn't tell if any of them were injured. I just had to pray. Pray we got through this in one piece. 

We fought until well past sun rise when both armies retreated. The battle was far from over, but both sides needed to regroup. Many had fallen on both sides. I was still alive, meaning the others were too. I made my way through the sea of bodies to where they had set up medic tents. Drake was talking with his father, wearing only a pair of jeans, meaning he had been in dragon form fighting the witches and dragons who had been in the air. Drake turned to me and he pulled me into his arms. I welcomed the tight embrace. "Tell me, have you seen any of the others," He asked me. I shook my head, "Only the enemy." We looked out at the field and saw Pyrus and Nathaniel by Adira. She was laying there, covered in burns and wounds. Pantheom licked at some of her wounds, trying to clean them. His water head was trying to help with her burns while his fire head was using small flames to get her bleeding wounds to close. The air head was trying to comfort her while the earth kept an eye out for more attackers. 

We went over to them. Nathaniel and Pyrus hugged us tightly before pulling away. "Do you think she is well enough to keep fighting," Pyrus asked me. "She hasn't shrunk in size meaning she hasn't used magic. She found be fine," I told them. "Any spells Alice knows, she can use them as well." However once she uses all of her magic, she'll disappear and we'll have to wait for Alice to be able to summon her again. With her being pregnant, that will be a while. 

Shelton then came over to us and I felt my worry settle. "Is everyone okay," Shelton asked us. We told him we were fine. "I just got off the phone with Cindy," He told us. "They're safe and doing fine." "Any clue how much time before we're ready to attack them," I asked him. "A while," He replied. "Our men are tired. We were able to take out a good number of their forces. We just have to hold the line a little longer." 

Suddenly Surge appeared, in full armor, "I am sorry it took so long, I was gathering the rest of our forces." Soon Kimberly appeared and opened a portal. Many half breed soldiers stepped through. "They're willing to fight and defend a kingdom where all are accepted," Surge told us. Shelton clapped him on the shoulder, "Good to have you." We set up our tents and I collapsed on the make shift bed we had. If I hadn't been sick, I would have been able to get through so many more of their soldiers with my magic and combat skills. 

"Here, drink this," Drake said as he came into the tent, a cup in his hands. "Kimberly said it will take away your sickness. Its a demonic tonic that flushes out the toxins." I took it and looked at the murky liquid. If it'll allow me to perform better on the battlefield then I'll try anything. I downed the gross liquid and handed him back to empty cup. Now I just needed to rest. 

Nathaniel's POV

I looked out at the field. Pyrus came and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. "You need to feed and rest," He told me. "How can I rest," I whispered to him. "We killed so many and the next time we wake up, we have to kill so many more." "If you don't rest then you won't have the strength to be able to fight for our future," He told me. "Our women and children need us to put our all into this fight." I knew he was right, so I sighed and leaned into his strength. He kissed the side of my neck before taking my hand and leading me to our tent where Drake and Qin were laying down. Shelton then came in and laid next to them. Pyrus removed his shirt that had blood splatter all over it, revealing his chiseled body. I pulled him to me and kissed his neck before biting into it. As I drank I felt myself harden. 

We then had a genie who shouldn't be here, suddenly pop into our tent. "Cindy, what the fuck are you doing here," Drake growled. "I'm here to feed Shelton. At the first sign of trouble, I'll pop back, I promise. You guys will be too tired to fight if you feed him," She told us quickly. She had a point. I licked the wound on Pyrus's neck closed as Shelton pulled her to him. 

Shelton didn't take his time like he usually did when feeding. We were in the middle of war. We didn't have the luxury of time. After Cindy fed him, she teleported back to the bunker, a sleepy and worried look on her face. We were all worried. We survived one night, but will we survive the next? 

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