Chapter 52

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Qin's POV

I stood before the mirror, my royal clothes fitted nicely on me. Tonight was coronation night. It will be more than a gathering of warlock nobility, but it will also be a gathering of all nobility. It was our first step in showing a unified Kingdom. I had expected many to decline the invites, making it a small event. I had been wrong. We got back a hundred percent of the invitations saying they would be attending. It was nerve wracking to be honest.

Guards from each of my mates' kingdoms walked about, ensuring no rebels could mess this up. Even witches from the Black Mist coven flew in the air among a dragon or two to keep watch from the air. Slender arms wrapped around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder. Emerald and amethyst eyes look at me through the mirror, "Don't worry so much." I sighed, "I'm not worrying. I'm just nervous about how tonight will go." Alice kissed my cheek, "Everything's going to be fine." I sighed, hoping she was right.

After a few more minutes she leaves to join the others. I thought of how the night should go. I would first vow to protect and guide my people with unwavering loyalty before being crowned. From there I would dance with Shelton. Then Nathaniel. Then Pyrus. Then Drake. Then Cindy. Then Alice. After that I will be forced to make my rounds, talking with each of the nobles. Listening to their questions and concerns, as well as trying to provide some feedback. After that we will all sit down for dinner which will be a three course meal. After that, there will be more going around and talking with the nobles and such. Then afterwards I will find some excuse, if needed, and try to slip away for the rest of the evening with my mates. At least that is how I hope it will go but this uneasy feeling in my stomach tells me it won't.

I begin to make my way to the ball room. When I enter, the music quiets and a servant announces my arrival. However when I enter I only have eyes for the six people I am lucky to have in my life. Soon I move my eyes from them to make my vows. The vows flowed easily and filled with conviction as I looked upon everyone there. Once the crown was placed on my head I made my way down the steps to Shelton who waited for me at the bottom.

"I told you, you wouldn't mess up," He whispered to me. I smile softly, but didn't say anything. "So tell me your highness, how does it feel being officially crowned," he asked me. "Not much different," I told him. "At least until the nobles start trying to crawl down my throat." He chuckled softly. When our dance ended I went to my next mate.

Each dance was special and wonderful in their own ways. When I danced with Alice I could tell that if she had been in her wolf form, she would be trying to prevent her tail from tucking between her legs. "It's okay," I whispered to her. "I'm not comfortable with this sort of thing," she whispered, eyes down. She was completely out of her element, and I know she truly didn't want to be here, but she was forcing herself because she wanted to support me.

As the night progressed, I eventually lost sight of the majority of my mates. Cindy was by the snack table enjoying the assortment she had requested be here at the coronation, Drake was not far from her talking ti his father. I looked around and saw Shelton talking with a few of the council members. Pyrus seemed pissed as he spoke with a few Fae nobles and Nathaniel was trying to calm him down. What made my heart clench though was seeing the nobles avoid Alice. The warlock nobles were doing it because she had witch blood and the others were doing it because she was mixed in general.

She gave me a kind smile, but I could see the rejection from our people hurt her deep. I wanted to go to her but a group of nobles approached and I lost sight of her. When it came time to sit down to eat I was thankful she and all of my other mates were able to sit together, but unfortunately we weren't able to enjoy our meal due to the words being whispered about that Alice, Drake, Pyrus, and Nathaniel were able to hear due to their enhanced hearing. Pyrus shared what was being said in our mind link so the others would know.

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