Chapter 33

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Qin's POV

I was reading a book when the doorbell rang. I put my bookmark in place before getting up. I answered the door and saw General Hayden. "Long time no see," I said in greeting. "You need to come home," He told me. "I left that place well before the war," I told him. "This is my home now." "It's you father's declaration. You must fight your brothers to declare the next king," He told me. "I'm not going on a suicide mission because of some ancient tradition," I told him. "You know what will happen if you don't," The General warned me. "Are you threatening our mate," Alice asked as she widened the door so he could see them. I closed my eyes, "No. He's reminding me of tradition." I opened them again. "If I refuse, then I will be hunted, as well as you all, when they learn I have six mates." "I'm confused, if your father is king, then how come you were King of the Demons," Nathaniel asked me. "I was the only one who could remember my human life before, thanks to the Goddess. I then used my magic to do everything I could to become strong enough to try and break it. To the demons, I wasn't truly King, but that's how everyone else saw me due to my strength and power. Now that we're back to normal, things have gone back the old ways."

Hayden nodded, "As your friend, I think it best you not fight it this time around. When you did the last time, your father was merciful by throwing you into the war. This time there will be no mercy." Alice hugged my arm, "I believe you can do it." I smiled down at her, "At least one of us does." "Many believe the winner will be Gaylin, the Bringer of Storms," Hayden told me. I rolled my eyes, "Of course they think he will win." "When do we need to be there," Shelton asked Hayden. "By sundown," Hayden replied. I sighed, "Of course it would be so soon. My father has never known the word patience." "He wants to see if you'll come," He told me.

I sighed and looked at the time, "We'll be there. Inform my father of my mates, as well as inform that one of them is pregnant." Hayden bowed his head before turning into mist and leaving. I mumbled curses under my breath as I shut the door. "I was hoping for at least a decade or so."

Alice smiled, "Let's go give your brothers a good ass kicking, then come home." "That's just it, Alice. That will become our home if he wins," Nathaniel told her. "We have ground to stand on since we're only Princes and Princesses, not in charge of our people yet. He wins, he takes the throne and is King. It'll be the biggest ever blood, and the world will be unified, but our home will be there until it's time for us to take our thrones."

Alice threw her hands into the air, "It's just one right after the other. Can't we ever get some fucking peace around here?" Cindy smiled and hugged her, "It's okay Alice. We already accepted this. Now let's go pack, we're killing time just standing here yapping."

Her and Alice went upstairs and I ran a hand through my hair. Shelton pulled my towards him, "It's gonna be okay." I sighed and tucked my face into his chest. "You know we'll have to wear our traditional clothes to represent for our kingdom right," Drake said. "Precisely why we're here," A woman said while appearing in the living room with many other people.

After introductions, I learned they were their parents and Alice's grandmother. "Grams!" Alice said excitedly as she rushed down the stairs to hug the older woman. "You kids need to understand the severity of this," Drake's father said once Cindy came down to greet her parents. "Never have the kingdoms been united. Once Qin takes to the throne, and your mating is complete, there will be an uprising for those who oppose the unification." Alice's grandmother explained. "Sides will fight, and war may happen, and it's something you'll need to be prepared for."

"Of course, there is always a war right around the Goddess damned corner," Alice grumbled. "First demons, now rebels. What's next flying monkeys?" Cindy giggled, "Silly, monkeys can't fly. So you can rest assured that will never happen." I checked the time, "We don't have much time to get there before sundown."

The parents then gave their children the clothes they will need. "This can hardly be considered clothes?!" Alice said as she held up the clothes. I remember vividly from the last ruler who wore something similar just how much it covered. It was a wrap that crossed in the front to cover her breasts, and the skirt was really like two wide cloths held by a chain that went around the hips to hold one to cover her backside while the other covered what was between her legs. "That's why you wear this beneath," He grandmother told her while holding up the silver tights that went under it. Alice grumbled some things and they disappeared upstairs to get ready.

Alice's POV

Goddess I felt so exposed. I knew the traditional clothes of the witches were scandalous, but this was ridiculous. I happen to be more gifted in the breast department thanks to my werewolf genes, so I felt like one wrong move and I would giggle out of place. Cindy smiled, "You looked very beautiful." "I look like a stripper about to go one stage for Halloween," I told her as I slipped on my heeled, knee high boots. I stood up and Shelton took the diadem of stars and moons and placed it on my head, "Cindy is right, you're beautiful." I looked at the cropped pink and gold shirt Cindy was wearing and the pink skirt that flowed as she moved. She wore her tiara with pride and a smile, despite her stomach was on full display. Drake wore leather pants, combat boots, a black leather vest with silver embroidery, and silver bands around his arms along with a silver crown on his head. Pyrus looked like a walking flame with his red and gold pants with a brown belt. A white shirt was tucked into his pants with a matching jacket on. He wore a gold earring in his left ear, while his gold crown designed to look like flames hung from his fingers, too busy fiddling with the collar of Nathaniel jacket to put it on himself. Nathaniel wore deep black pants, a shirt that reminded me of something a pirate would wear, except it was fancier, and a black jacket with crimson cuff links. He also had a simple silver crown on. Shelton wore a pair of white pants with blue lines going up the sides. He also had a white matching shirt, and a blue vest. He also had a silver crown on.

We went downstairs, bags packed, and ready to go. Qin then came down the stairs, a dark look in his eyes. He wore an outfit much like Drake's except it wasn't leather, and it was blue. His tattoos of most of the elements were hidden as well, except for the element of water. "Why are you hiding them," I asked him. "Because my family doesn't know I can use the other elements," He replied.

"Most warlocks only know one, maybe two. It is rare they can use all four," Grams explained. "Now you kids stay out of trouble, and invite us to the coronation." With a wave of her hand, we were no longer in our living room. Instead we stood outside of a massive stone castle, that was in the side of a mountain. As Dorothy would say, we're not in Kansas anymore.

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