Chapter 71

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I looked over the files, my heart racing, my hands shaking. "Breathe Alice," Drake whispered in my ear. "They experimented on them," I whispered, my voice breaking. I flipped through the file, unable to believe what was inside it. The file was filled with notes and photos of the experiments they've been doing on my parents since that day they were supposed to have been killed. In some of the photos were some of the council members that I have seen walking about this very council. Pure rage and hatred filled me. "Alice, please, don't do anything rash," Drake said as I stood. I made the file disappear then used my magic to change my clothes to something I usually wore when working as a Huntress. The shirt was able to protect my stomach, to ensure nothing happened to my babies as I took care of business. I then teleported from the room, Drake calling for me to stop. I appeared in the council meeting room, cutting off what Shelton was discussing. "Sorry to interrupt," I said while making the file appear. "I have some business with the council members." I gave him the file and he flipped through it, as the rest of my mates rushed into the room. 

Shelton nodded, "I see." He passed the file to Qin who flipped through it. A cold look filled his eyes as he did. "As King of the warlocks, I am putting everyone, under arrest," Qin said as he passed the file to Nathaniel. I then magically sealed the room so no one could leave or enter. "Under what grounds," One of them asked as they stood. Pyrus, who had just finished looking through it, slammed the file on the table, "For illegal experimentations, falsifying the deaths of Marvel and Laurel Grommel , and for withholding crucial information." 

Cindy then took the access card from one of senior members, "We'll be home soon." I dropped the spell long enough for her to teleport, she took Qin, Nathaniel, and Drake with her, and I prayed none of them got hurt. I replaced the spell as I approached them. "How did you find out about this," One of them asked me. "I remember the library. However, I never thought to do some exploring, simply wanted to get my license then start making a living. You better start counting your blessings because I can promise you, you will not be leaving this room alive." 

Pyrus's POV

To say Alice was pissed was an understatement. We stood back as we watched her approach the table, magic swirling around her feet and fingers. She held out her palm, black smoke of some kind coming from it. She spoke some words in latin as the smoke began to wrap around those responsible. They began to scream and convulse, clawing at their faces. Many fell from their chairs, screaming in intense agony. Black flames then sprouted from their eyes and mouths. "The Flame of Damnation. Not even in death can they run from it. They will forced to forever be tortured by them," She said, her voice filled with a cold emotion. When the screaming stopped she released the spell on the room, before dropping to her knees, hands covering her face as she began to cry. I picked her up and she clung tightly to me, crying her heart out. Shelton pulled his phone out, "I'm going to send a team out to clear out their building while also preparing a press release over the recent events." I nodded and we stepped out of the room, locking it behind us. 

We're back, we've got them with us. 

Nathaniel told us through the mind link. We began to follow the bond till we found them outside of the infirmary with two people we've only ever seen in photos. Alice got out of Pyrus' arms and rushed to them. "Mom! Dad!"  Her parents hugged her tightly as they all cried.  Nathaniel handed Shelton a file, "The funeral was closed coffin, so no one had ever seen the bodies. We called her grandmother, she should be here any second." He whispered it to us to not take away from this moment. I then noticed the four of them had blood on their clothes. It must have gotten ugly, I thought. 

As if on cue she appeared, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was then included in their hug. After a few minutes Alice let them go so they could get checked out by the doctors. "I'm going to go see Marvel's parents," Alice's grandmother told her. Alice only nodded before letting her grandmother go. Alice then looked at us with tears streaming down her face, "Thank you guys so much." She tried wiping them away but more kept falling. Drake hugged her, "You don't have to thank us my treasure." "Alice, honey, your parents are going to be with the doctors for a while, you should go feed and get some rest. I'll stay here with them," Cindy told her. Alice sniffled and nodded, "Okay." Drake took her back to the room as we all sat in the chairs outside of the infirmary. 

"We found so many there," Cindy whispered. "Some we just had to end their misery," Nathaniel told us. "The council was trying to make sure weapons, like what they had done to Alice. They were experimenting on her parents because they were hoping to try and get them to have another child they could use for strictly experimentation purposes. Apparently, there is a special dormant genetic mutation in many witches that only becomes active when they have a child with someone who isn't of the species. It made the children more accepting to different species genes being added to their DNA." "When we rescued them, they didn't even know Alice had lived past puberty," Qin told us. "They thought she was dead, but they didn't want to die without knowing the truth so they hung on despite the hell they were put through." 

After that we became silent until the doctor came out. "They'll be fine after some sleep. They're requesting to see you," He told us. We nodded and went into the room. "Where is Alice," Laurel asked us. "She went to go rest with our mate Drake," Cindy told them. We then introduced ourselves to them. "After our deaths were faked, what happened to our little girl," Marvel asked us. We shared a look before deciding to tell them of the hell Alice has been through since their deaths were faked. "She has become such an amazing woman though," Cindy said with a soft smile. "She has done a lot of good for the world, and she plans to continue to do so." "She's also an amazing mother," I told them. "She's also the most accepting person we've ever met," Shelton told them. 

"What happened to the pack," Marvel asked, eyes changing from green to the gold of his wolf. "The ones who hurt her, were cursed by the Goddess to never have children, so soon they will need a more suitable Alpha," Qin replied to them. Marvel looked to his mate and took her hand, "I am sorry for my family's actions towards our daughter." She shook her head, "It's not your fault my love." 

We talked a little more with them before we left to allow them to rest. We walked back to our room where Drake was laying in bed with Alice. "She fell asleep immediately after she fed," he whispered to us. "How are they?" "They just need to rest," Nathaniel told him as he removed his blood stained clothes. "We told them what happened after their deaths were faked, and Marvel may get his own revenge once the doctor releases him," Qin added in. "I say let him," Cindy said as she removed her shoes. We were all in agreement. "So what's going to happen now," Drake asked us. "I'm going to set up a nice area in the castle for her parents to live," I told him. "And we're all going to out the council to the world," Shelton announced to us. "And we're going to present our next move to keep a panic from surfacing with our people." We all agreed. After a very eventful day we all crawled into bed and laid down. What was going to happen now? 

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