Chapter 17

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I sighed softly when I smelled food. I got out of bed and put my robe on and went downstairs. Drake was in front of the stove, making breakfast. The packet from the Chief, on the dinning table. I knew right off the bat that today wouldn't start off like my other days. I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my forehead between his shoulder blades. "You going to accept it," he asked me softly. I shook my head, "No."

"Why didn't you tell me about the king when you first told me about the books," he asked me like I knew he would. "Because I didn't want you to worry. I had just met you guys and I didn't know how you would react," I confessed to him. "You're lucky today is the day of our mating or I would have you bent over the table making that ass of yours a beautiful shade of red," he told me. "One thing you should know about dragons is we need to have control. No longer do we control the ground, sea, and sky due to the advancements humans have made. So we turned to BDSM. Many are the doms in their relationships with their mates but because I have so many it's different. Although we say we're equal, we know there is rank, Sheldon being at the top. Pyrus and Nathaniel bicker because they have a shared rank, those two will never be able to pick who sits where and we're all okay with that no matter if it puts a strain on the nerves. My rank is just above yours and Cindy's, which is a nice place to be." He explained to me. "The five of you are my treasure, and I will protect you till my dying breath, but it is hard to do that if you hide something so important." He then sighed, "When you were a Huntress, it infuriated me because I couldn't protect you. When Nathaniel and Sheldon brought you home, and you were dying because of a silver injection, I felt so enraged with myself because I couldn't do a damn thing to protect you. I couldnt do anything. When Nathaniel changed you, I sat on the roof to make sure no one came or went without me knowing until you woke up." He ran a hand through his hair and I was happy he was getting this all off his chest. "Then when you quit, I was able to rest easier, knowing nothing was going to happen to you now. Then I come home and see that packet. Sheldon had told us about the meeting he had gone too and how he voted against it. I just didn't think they'd come to you so soon."

"The night we had movie night a couple months ago, I made a promise that if you had all accepted me then I would quit. It happened sooner than I thought it would, but because of that promise, I'm not going to go back, no matter what kind of offer they give me," I told him and his shoulders relaxed. He turned around in my arms and wrapped his around me, "I love you."

I smiled, "I love you too." He then smiled, "Today, I only plan on making sure you can't walk tomorrow. There is a reason I wanted to be the last one you mated with." My mind went to the sex toy company he had and wondered what he had in store for me today.

We ate breakfast before going up to the room. He untied my robe, and slipped it down my arms. "Today I'm going to push your boundaries. I need you to pick a safe word," He told me. "If you say the word, I will stop immediately."

I thought through the millions of words I knew, "Nimis." I told him. It was the Latin word for 'too much'. He nodded, "Nimis it is."

He then had me get on my knees, wrists by my ankles, my front on the bed. He attached a spreader bar between my legs that had ankle cuffs. The bar was so that he could easily flip me on top my back if he wanted. He then blind folded me, taking away my sight to heighten my other senses. I then sensed he moved away from the bed, and I was left waiting. I then felt something soft trail along my spine. A feather? I couldn't tell. I then felt the sting of something leather on my ass, and it caused me to moan as that line between pain and pleasure became much wider. I felt the soft object on the inside of my thighs, trailing close to my aching core, but not touching it. Then I felt the leather again, another moan coming from my mouth. Then I was shocked when something round was pushed into my pussy. I lost it when it began to vibrate. He then continued to use the two other objects and my mind could no longer keep up, so I just let go, simply letting my body feel the pleasure he was giving me.

I lost track of the times he's made me orgasm, but I felt like my brain was much after being so overloaded with feelings. When he released me from my bindings he removed the toy and laid me on my back, his lips on mine. Then his cock entered me and I moaned and arched my back off of the bed. He was gentle and loving as he took me, much different than the flogging my ass received. When I came I sunk my fangs into his neck and he stilled so I didn't tear his skin. When I finished he pulled out and had me back in the position from earlier, this time he entered me from behind. He was ruthless as he pounded into him. He then pulled me up so my back was to his chest, his fangs biting into my neck, marking me. He shocked the hell out of me though when I felt him knot as he began to cum, meaning he would be unable to pull out till he finished. I should've expected it though since it was how male dragons ensured their females got pregnant because used too, they would mate, even if the females hated the males, and the women would put up a fight. They would knot to make sure she couldn't pull away before they were finished. Of course times have changed and it's no longer like that, but instinct was still instinct.

When he finished he pulled out of me and I sagged against him, my eyes starring up at nothing in particular. He laid me down with a kiss to my cheek. I then heard the bath water get turned on before he was back and picking me up. "You did so well," He whispered to me. "I'm so proud of you." He would repeat those words and say others as well as he washed me and cared for me. He held me in his lap in the bath, his strong arms wrapped around me. "How do you feel," He asked me. I made a content humming noise, too relaxed to even want to speak. The exhaustion of having a sex marathon all week was beginning to crash into me really hard. I yawned and snuggled into him. He got out with me in his arms. He dried me off and laid me in bed. I was out as soon as my head touched the pillow.

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