Chapter 53

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Qin's POV

I sighed as I stared down at the documents. "Knock knock," Cindy said before her and Pyrus came in with a tray of snacks. I smiled and cleared off some space for them to set down the tray. I then got up to let Cindy sit in the more comfortable chair while I sat in one of the leather arm chairs. "Is Alice back yet," I asked them. Cindy had a look of sadness in her eyes, "No." I haven't been able to get the look of sadness Alice had out of my head.

"I thought the goddess said she fixed all of this hatred," Cindy said softly. I shook my head, "She was unable to reverse the curse or the hatred. She made it so people from different breeds could mate and have children to try and counter the hatred, but she couldn't get rid of it." Pyrus nodded, "As the years went by the hatred morphed and became something that couldn't be reversed with magic. However, future generations will have the freedom to choose how they feel regarding mixed breeds, but those who grew up feeling that hatred became more than just caused by magic, they truly began to believe they're better because their blood is pure."

"But it's not fair," Cindy said while crossing her arms. "She's done so much for them, yet none of them are grateful for it." "If Alice actually showed the world her abilities, they'd think twice," Pyrus grumbled. "I think if they saw Adira they would think twice," Cindy told him. Adira was stuck in the courtyard until our new castle was built, so not many have had the chance to meet her yet.

Suddenly three envelopes appeared, one with each of our names. We each took ours and opened them up.

You have been invited to the Black Mist Coven's magic gathering. It is a honorary celebration where we celebrate witches who have done remarkable things the previous year. It's a tradition the coven has held for over two centuries, and we continue to hold the celebration with pride. We would be honored to have you as our guest to help celebrate these amazing witches.

Under the official printed text was a note from Alice's grandmother.

I pray on this night, things go as I plan, and Alice is given the respect she deserves from our coven. She has worked harder than anyone has ever realized, even all of you. It would mean a lot to her if you all attend the ceremony. This will also be a formal announcement of her being the next heir.

Cindy squealed in excitement, "We have to find her the perfect dress! One that will make her look like the beautiful Queen we know she is." Cindy's excitement and smile were contagious.

As we were talking Drake and Shelton came in. "Did you all receive your invitations," Shelton asked us. We smiled when we showed them to him. "So we need to make a whole weekend to celebrate," Shelton told us. We shared the details we talked about with Nathaniel through the mind link since he was out running with Alice to ensure she didn't push herself too much. We had to make sure everything was perfect.

Alice's POV

Everything hurt. "I told you so," Nathaniel said as he gave me a piggy back ride. "I know," I said as I sighed. "Thank you." "You don't need to thank me," He told me. "Yes I do," I told him. "You and the others have been so caring and supportive since my break down." "That's not something you need to thank us for," he told me. "We do it because we love u." He sat me on a table in the hall, then turned so he was between my legs, hands braced on the table on either side of me. "We will forever be supportive of you, no matter what. And any time you fall, we will be there to pick you up and help you get back on your feet." He then kissed me. It was a soft kiss that soon turned hungry and possessive.

When he pulled away his eyes were red and I could tell mine were too. "I think we should continue you this somewhere more private," he said a little breathlessly. I nodded and teleported us to the bedroom. He laid me on the bed, lips on my neck as we tried to take each other's clothes off quickly. When he entered me he bit into my neck. I arched, my nails digging into his back. He growled in pleasure before increasing the intensity of his thrusts. When he licked the wound closed and pulled away, I flipped us so I was on top. He held my hips, his nails digging into my skin. I moaned softly before bending down to bite the skin on his chest, over his heart. He groaned, a growl chasing it. When I released my bite I licked the wound closed.

We then continued to change positions, taking turns biting each other, until we were both sated and tired. We laid in bed, tangled in the sheets and each other. I could feel every blissful bite he gave me throb nicely as a wonderful reminder of what we just did. Cindy came in then stopped with a smile. "I see you two had fun," she giggled as she shut the door. She tilted her head as she looked at the sheets, "The poor maids are going to have so much trouble getting the blood out of the sheets." She giggled again, before going to the closet to grab her coat. "Drake and I are going out to the market, do either of you want anything?" "I'm good," Nathaniel said softly, eyes closed as he rode out the high of the vampire pheramones in his veins. My limbs felt like jelly, and talking seemed almost impossible. "No thank you," I whispered, my eyes drifting closed as I snuggled into Nathaniel's chest. Due to the amount of times we bit into each other, we made each other high as a kite. It was like a human smoking a nice sized blunt by themselves. Cindy giggled again before kissing our foreheads, "Okie dokie. I'll tell the maids to not come in here till tomorrow to clean."

We then heard her leave the room. I sighed softly, a small smile on my face.

Cindy's POV

"Are they home," Drake asked as he waited for me by the castle door. "They're home alright," I giggled. "Physically at least. They had some fun in the room, just the two of them. They're enjoying a very good high." It was rare Nathaniel ever let us experience it because although we're his mates, it wasn't healthy. Vampires doing it to each other was perfectly fine. It's also the first time in a really long time since Nathaniel got to experience it himself so it was pretty clear it hit him really hard.

Drake chuckled softly before he took my hand and lead me outside. "While we're here, we need to get Pyrus's birthday present," Drake reminded me. I huffed, "I actually want to celebrate it with him, not just get him something." "I know, but you know as well as I do, he hates celebrating his birthday," Drake told me. "I wish there was something we could do to change that," I looked at the ground with a slight pout. Drake wrapped his arm around my waist, "One day he may come around, until then, we need to just be patient." "But it's not fair," I told him. "He's always quick to celebrate things for us, but never him." Drake kissed the side of my head, "I know my treasure."

I then lit up with an idea, "Maybe Alice can. She's always been great with words and helping people through mental things that others haven't been able to get over." Drake nodded, "That would be great, if he tells her. It took an explosive argument for him to open up to us about it after being mated to him for two years." I sighed, knowing he was right. He was never forthcoming with his feelings. He talks occasionally with Nathaniel, but even then, it was rare. Ugh. Stupid fae for being so stubborn. "One day he will be able to celebrate his birthday, until then, we just have to be patient." I sighed softly, knowing he was right, "Okay."

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