Chapter 31

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School was back in session and I felt like I was drowning in school work. It was good to see the super natural were no longer hiding and I wasn't really being hated anymore, but there was still a big segregation. I was waiting for Qin to pick me up so we can go out to lunch when I noticed Alpha Asshole. "What do you want," I asked him. He growled and pulled me up by the collar of my shirt, "You fucking bitch." He snarled. The ground began to shake violently and car alarms began to go off. "Put. Her. Down," Qin said coldly, arms glowing. He growled at Qin, "And you are?" "Your worst fucking nightmare if you don't let her go," He answered. "The bitch cursed me," He snarled, throwing me on the ground. Qin had made a soft patch of leaves appear to catch me. "I didn't do shit. It was the Goddess herself after my grandmother asked her to right the wrong you and your buddies did to me," I told him as Qin helped me up. "Enjoy being an Alpha while it lasts." Qin made the ground stop shaking and we walked away.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," I said while trying to fix my shirt. I noticed the asshole tore it, cutting my chest with his claws. He pulled a handkerchief out of the pocket of his pants and gave it to me, as he averted his eyes upwards. I laughed softly as I took it, "You're allowed to look." "I find that there is a time and place to admire my mates. Shortly after one of them being manhandled is neither the time nor place." He told me seriously. We went to the car and he opened the door for me and I got in with a smile. He got in the driver seat and began to drive us home where Pyrus had begun the remodeling with his company.

"What is it that he did to deserve the Goddess's wrath?" He asked me softly. I sighed and told him the story. He gripped the steering wheel tightly and I  saw some of it begin to melt slightly. I put my hand on his arm, "It's all in the past Qin." "I should've done worse than scare him," He muttered. "He's been punished enough," I told him. "He can't have pups, nor can he carry down the title of Alpha. Part of me feels it's too harsh of a punishment." He scoffed, "How can you say that?" I smiled softly as I thought about the twins Cindy carries, "Because everyone deserves to know what it's like to have a gift brought into this world that's a mix of yourself and the one you love." He sighed, "I see what you mean."

We got back to the house and Pyrus was looking good with a tool belt around his waist as sweat dripped down his body from work. He raised an eyebrow when he saw us, then his eyes zeroed in on my shirt and the blood on the handkerchief. "What happened?" He growled. "I'm going to get changed," I said while Qin told him about the incident at school.

I came down in a new shirt, ready to go. Pyrus had his arms around Qin's waist, while Qin was blushing, hiding his face behind his hands. Pyrus was whispering dirty things into his ear. I smiled and rolled my eyes before taking Qin's hand. Pyrus kissed me before kissing Qin's cheek, "Have fun you two. Stay safe." "Will do," I told him as Qin and I went back to the car.

I noticed Qin's hard on  and smirked, "You okay there?" "Yep," He said his voice a little higher in pitch. Poor Qin, I thought with a soft laugh.

Shelton's POV

I was working late in my office at home, after everyone had gone to bed. I groaned and ran a hand over my face. I needed to get some sleep. I shut down my computer before going up the stairs. I heard some muttering from Qin's room, and went in to check on him. His arms were glowing, and he was sweating in his sleep as a nightmare tormented him. "Qin," I said, and he bolted up, the glowing in his arms disappearing. He was breathing hard as he looked around, eyes wide. I cupped his face in my hands and made him look at me. "You're safe," I told him. "You're at home with us." "It was so real," He whispered, tears filling his eyes. I pulled him to me and he rested his head on my shoulder. He didn't even care if the sheet had shifted, revealing his impressively chiseled body. He had us beat in the muscle department, but it was clear we had him beat in the dominance department, which we were all okay with.

"Want to talk about it," I asked him softly. "I was trapped in the book again, watching the outside world from the inside, stuck as a demon once more with no one to save me this time," He whispered softly. He cried out his fears silently and I held him. "That will never happen to you again," I vowed to him. He sniffled and nodded. I moved him so I could wipe away his tears. I kissed his forehead, "Go take a shower while I change your sheets." "I, uh, I'm naked," He said with a slight squeak of embarrassment. I chuckled, "I'll step out while you go into the bathroom." I left his room and waited for the sound of the shower to start before going back in. I changed his sheets then went downstairs to make him a cup of soothing tea after putting the sheets in the washer.

I had to admit, I was wrong about him. Alice told me of the crazy power he showed today when he found her with the Alpha, but when you look at him, you see a sweet man who couldn't hurt a fly. The blushes and emotions he shows are real and it was so shocking. I was used to closed off people and having to dig to get the real like I had to do with most of my mates, except for Cindy. Only time I had to dig with Cindy was to get her to drop her smile to show the pain she was when we first met.

Qin doesn't hide anything. He craves our trust, and he's quickly gaining it. Alice was right. Goddess, she's never going to let me live it down if I tell her that, word for word. I smiled softly as I placed the cup on the nightstand as he came out in a pair of pajama bottoms. I gave his cheek a kiss, "Goodnight Qin. If you want, our door is open and you're more than welcome to come join us." He was blushing and I couldn't help my chuckle as I shut the door quietly.

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