Chapter 20

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Cindy's POV

I looked around the room, "How long do you think we're gonna be in hiding?" Drake sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know." "How much should we take with us," I asked him, trying to hide the panic. The Demon King has been unsealed and my mates were only Goddess knows where! Drake placed his hands on my shoulders, "They're counting on us Cindy. They're all doing their parts and now we have to do ours and make sure we have enough supplies." "H-How are we going to carry it all," I asked him. "The seats in the van lay down, remember," He said and I realized he was right. I nodded, "You're right. We can do this. I'll pack the clothes and such, you go start packing things in the pantry." I made containers and bags appear and we began to pack. I found Alice's bag of weapons under the bed and bit my lip nervously. I pulled it out from under the bed and opened it. There were more than when she first got here. As if she was readying for something to happen. I guess after that incident with the council member, she wanted to be prepared. I ran a hand through my hair as I looked at it all. I shook my head and zipped it closed, dragging it to join the rest of the bags that were already packed. I then grabbed some bags and went into the bathroom. The counter was filled with all of our hair products and such. I packed each other their things in a separate bag. I found it funny that Nathaniel and Pyrus rivaled the amount of hair products I had. 

I had just finished packing mine and Alice's hygiene products when Drake came in. "I've got it all in the car," He said. "Are you done yet?" "All of that is done," I told him while gesturing to the bags. "Careful with the green duffel, those are Alice's weapons." He unzipped it and pulled out a pistol. He found a clip and a holster. He attached the holster to his hip and put a long rectangle thingy that held the bullets into the hole in the handle. "What are you doing," I asked him. "The world is going to hell Cindy. You never know what's gonna happen when the panic starts in. We right now have a head start, but it's only a matter of time before it happens. People become unpredictable during times of panic and chaos." 

I nodded, knowing what he meant. I have seen enough zombie movies with Nathaniel to know it wasn't gonna be pretty. We finished packing and packed the car. We had just set out, Drake not caring about traffic laws at the moment. I hadn't seen a single cop car, so I wondered if it had already began. Drake had turned the radio to the news channel in case they start talking about it. I gave him directions from the map she had given us and it took us out of the city. Fifteen minutes after leaving the city, a news reporter came on. 

"This just in, at the Doctrine Warehouse, odd creatures began to swarm out of the doors, attacking anyone in their path. People with what appears to be magic is trying to fight against them." The woman said, trying to sound calm. "J-Jim, did that man just turn into a wolf?" She seemed to ask. "Move woman," A man said and she seemed to complain. "This is Oswald Heiser, of the Klistin clan, coming to you live. The Super Natural council has confirmed that the Demon King has been released and is turning humans. Go to your leaders for evacuations instructions. If you're human and wish to live, get to a nearby church, the demons can't touch holy ground. Don't bother with crosses, they're useless. Just run like hell and don't get touched by them. If they scratch you, then you're done for. Think of this like a zombie apocalypse except much worse. These demons can think, and hunt like animals. Holy ground is your best chance for survival." 

There was then a banging sound, before screaming began. Drake then cut off the radio. I ran a shaking hand through my hair, "I'm scared Drake." He took my hand, "It's gonna be okay. We've got a plan." I then noticed some people were running in the wolves. They were wood Fae. "Drake, look," I said while pointing. A demon was chasing them. 

"Swap seats with me," He told me. I used my magic to swap our seats. He opened the window, "Keep up with them!" I pushed the gas and he began to fire the pistol he had. The demon screamed and fell. "Help us!" A woman yelled. I opened the sliding door of the van with my magic. "Jump in!" Drake yelled as more Demons began to come out of no where. They ran and leaped in, hitting our things, but we didn't care. 

Drake then began looking over the map, "I'm gonna fly us." "Can you handle the weight," I asked him. "I have no choice," He then began to strip off everything  besides his underwear. He rolled down his window and began to climb out. Once on the roof  he leaped into the air, shifting into a large blue and silver dragon. He picked the car up and I took my foot off the gas, throwing it in park before turning it off. I then turned to our new passengers. 

"Hi I'm Cindy," I said happily. "W-Where are we going," The woman asked me. "One of my mates is a Huntress, and she told us to go to the holy mountain where many are evacuating too," I told her. "So she knew this would happen," A man asked, getting angry. I shook my head, "Only when one of the council members told us. You see my mate Alice had sealed the Demon King away not too long ago, and the council member had wanted her to kill him. Unfortunately, it was too late by then. Apparently there is this group of crazies who wants to out us to the humans and they thought the best way to do that was by starting a demon apocalypse. One of the members was someone who watches the place the book was being held and they're the ones who let it out. I don't know how they got the demon sealed the first time, but I am  hoping someone does, so we can reseal him then deal with the humans." I don't know if I had made sense, but I was just saying the first thing that came to mind at trying to explain everything. I couldn't really think straight though. My mates were lost in the panic going on below and I didn't know what to do or say. 

Eventually the mountain came into view and Drake set down the car as gently as he could. He gripped the side of the mountain, unable to land because of the amount of trees. The pack who wronged Alice was already here with a couple of council members. She had told us of their help and we weren't too happy about it, but we could see her reasoning behind it. The Fae got out and I grabbed Drake's clothes. He shifted back, as he landed on the side of the van that covered him from others seeing him. None of us would appreciate people seeing our mate naked. Especially Alice. I didn't need her getting into trouble for killing someone. Once he was dressed we went up to one of the council members. "We saw Demons on the way here, they were appearing out of no where," Drake told them. They nodded, "That is because the King can make them appear anywhere." Wonderful, I thought. She then handed us a map of the inside of the mountain, a red circle around what I guess was our room. "Your mate was very specific on where you get housed," She told us. We took it and began taking our things to where we were supposed to go. The rooms were caves with magic lights. Sheets covered the entrances as make shift doors. We found ours and saw it was pretty spacious. The room was very round. A magical self heating tub sat in one spot, a round table with chairs in another spot, a large bed against the curved wall, and a few chests scattered around. It wasn't home, but at least we were all gonna be together. At least that's what I hoped would happen. I sent a prayer to the Goddess, praying they all made it back here in one piece. 

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