Chapter 27

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I smiled at the progress Cindy has made. She had come to me, asking me to teach her how to defend herself. Our mates didn't like the idea, but I thought it a good idea. Especially now with the Demon issue we have. She managed to throw me over her shoulder and straddle my waist. She placed her hands on my breasts with a smile, "I like this position." I flipped us so I was on top between her legs, "I prefer this one." She bit her lip as she smiled, "I like this one too." I kissed her softly before getting up. She held out her hand and I helped her up.

She smiled and kissed my cheek, as we left the training room. "Want to take a bath with me," I asked her with a teasing nudge. She shook her head, "I'm just gonna go change and meet up with my mom." She went to our room to change while I went to one of the windows. I sat down, letting my legs hang down. It was all so quiet. The King was planning something monumental, I just knew it. This was definitely the calm before the storm, and I wish I knew how to prepare for it.

A warm presence and the smell of a camp fire filled my nose. I looked behind me as Pyrus sat behind me, putting his legs on either side of me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. "What's wrong," He asked me softly. I sighed and looked out at the forest while leaning into the warmth he offered, "Everything." My voice was so weak. I don't know how much longer I could be strong. My eyes burned as tears came forth. He placed his chin on my shoulder, "What can I make right to lighten the load?" "I don't know," I confessed. "I feel like I'm drowning in it all. Everytime we turn around there is shit we have to deal with. It's chipping at us left and right. Cindy's smiles are fake, Nathaniel is quieter than normal, Shelton is working more than normal, Drake is trying to keep us all together, your training and working out more than normal, and I'm...."

"Killing more than normal," He finished and I nodded. "Yeah, I am."

I ran a hand through my hair, "The other night, it was magical, but it was rare, and I dont know how many nights like that we're gonna have. As it stands it's rare all of us sleep together at night. Usually it's only two of us in bed together, while the others are off doing something else." I wiped my tears away and sniffled. "We're becoming distant." I said it softly but it felt like a sledgehammer slamming into a nail, cracking the ice that was keeping me together. "Nathaniel and I are practically starving because we dont feed from everyone like we should because we cant cause it's rare we're all in a room together for more than five minutes. The same goes for Shelton. He needs us all but mostly only has one of us every few days."

Pyrus stayed silent as I spoke, simply listening to me. "I don't go out there to kill those demons to protect others. I do it to keep you guys safe. It hurts going out, slaying those demons, then come back to this distance that is steadily growing between all of us." It had been over a week since Cindy and I had a bath together that turned into a love fest with all of our mates, but I doubt any of them noticed.

Pyrus tightened his hold around me, turning his face so it was hidden in my neck, "I didn't notice." When he spoke, his voice sounded broken and that broke my heart. "I'm so sorry Alice."

We sat there in silence until my alarm went off for me to get ready and meet with my grandmother to train. I stood up and I felt Pyrus following after me with his eyes. I closed my eyes, pushing that distance away. I needed to focus.

After getting the ass kicking off a lifetime I went back to the room sore and in need of a bath. Maybe Cindy will want to join and use a bath bomb, I thought hopefully. When I got to the room, it was dark. From the scents, I could tell none of them have been in the room since this morning. I no longer wanted to bathe. I stripped off my clothes and threw on one of Pyrus's shirts, a pair of Shelton's boxers, and Cindy's  hoodie. I laid on Drake's pillow while hugging Nathaniel's pillow. I shut myself off from them, and broke down. I finally voiced the feelings I have been pushing back, praying it would get better. Instead it's only gotten worse and I don't know how much more distance I can handle.

Pyrus's POV

I walked around the mountain with my hands shoved in my pockets. I heard a growl and looked into a room where Drake was in his dragon form, sharpening his claws. It was rare we got to see him in that form because of the humans, but times were different now. He would be able to fly more frequently. At least we hoped so.

He looked at where I stood. I walked over to him and sat down next to him, leaning my back against his large scaley  arm. I told him everything Alice had told me, about the distance she felt. It was tearing me apart inside that we let it happen. Drake shifted back as I continued to talk, putting his clothes back on. "Where is she," he asked me. I shrugged, "She had somewhere to go. You should've seen her Drake. She looked and sounded so broken. We made her cry. She kept trying to spend time with us, trying to get us to spend time with each other, but we all had excuses. She just wanted to keep us together. I feel she's giving up."

She tried getting me to go on runs with her and I always said I had shit to do with my parents or my cousins. God I was a fucking idiot for not seeing how it tore her inside.

Drake ran a hand through his hair looking just as guilty as I felt, "She wanted to play cards with me before she went with Cindy to train. I went for a fly instead. Yesterday she wanted to spar and I told her I was gonna go check on the hatchlings." He then looked me in the eye, "Let's go talk with the others." I nodded and we went on the hunt for our mates.

"Where is she," Nathaniel asked me after I told him. I shrugged, "I dont know." He grabbed me by the collar, "How the fuck do you not know?" He growled, eyes red. I snarled, "Because she left me to go do something, like we've been doing to her." Tears lined his eyes and he let me go, resting his hands flat on my chest. His shoulders dropped, "I just don't want her to leave us." My anger left and I ran a hand through my hair, "I don't want that either. That's why I came to you."

I took his hand and laced our fingers, "Let's go find her." We met up with Shelton, Cindy, and Drake in the heart of the mountain. We then decided to go to our room first.

Alice was asleep in the middle of the bed, and the sight before us, broke me. Cindy tackled her in a hug, shocking Alice. "Cindy what's wrong? Are you hurt," Alice asked her, her voice hoarse from crying. Cindy hugged her tightly, "Anything you want, I'll do it, I'm sorry."

Alice was caught off guard for a moment then she softened. She made Cindy let her go and looked at all of us. "We are looking death in the face, plain and simple. It's something I'm used to, but that's not something you guys are used too. When faced with death, its understandable you become distant, while you try to get your minds around it. It's just that, I'm used to the idea of dying. Have been since I was a kid. I want to make as many memories we can incase we get to the point we cant anymore."

She ran a hand through her hair, "I'm not mad nor do I blame you guys." "Shut up," Nathaniel told her. "Just shut up right now. Dont give us any fucking excuses. We fucked up, plain and simple." She looked at him wide eyed. Then her look of shock turned to one of questioning. "When's the last time you fed properly?"

"When's the last time you've fed properly?" He countered. She seemed to be thinking about it but came up blank. "First on the agenda, feeding the three of you," Drake declared while looking at Alice, Nathaniel, and Shelton. Shelton sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "We'll have to take turns throughout the week."

"Nathaniel should go first," Alice said. Nathaniel shook his head, "You need to replenish your magic." "My magic is at a healthy level," she told him, while crossing her arms. "You're experiencing mood swings due to the hunger. You're feeding first."

"How about both of you feed," Cindy suggested. "Today one of you feed from Shelton and I, while the other feeds on Pyrus and and Drake. The next day you switch." Alice and Nathaniel shared a look before nodding. I walked over to Alice and picked her up, her legs wrapping around my waist. I sat down and kissed her softly. "I'm sorry baby," I told her. She have me a soft smile, "Thank you for talking to everyone." I removed my shirt and her eyes trailed over my body. She then leaned in and I groaned when I felt her fangs sink into my neck. As she drank I slipped a hand into the boxers she was wearing and began to rub her. She moaned and began to grind against my fingers while feeding. I increased my speed and pressure, causing her to orgasm after the licked the wound close. She rested her forehead against my shoulder as she panted. Drake picked her up with a smirk, "My turn."

After they were finished we all laid down, tangled around each other. I could still feel a piece of that distance that Alice opened my eyes too, and I prayed that with time it vanished.

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