Chapter 51

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Shelton's POV

The whole fiasco with Qin and Alice swapping bodies was truly a weird experience. We kept their minds off of it by enjoying their bodies until they swapped back. They were both exhausted after wards but at least they didn't have to worry about any magical accidents. Today it was just us guys. The women went out with our moms to go have a girls day, which they really needed. Qin had informed us all of what his mother told him and why we kept seeing Shadows every where. I felt bad for her, wishing her the best of luck in severing her bond with her idiot mate.

Today though, since we girls were out relaxing, Qin thought it would be a good idea if we did too so he took us to a private hot spring. The water felt amazing on my muscles. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, simply enjoying it. Until I hear a splash and a growl from Nathaniel followed by Pyrus's laughter. I looked at them and saw Pyrus splashing Nathaniel in the face. Qin got in next to me, and I pulled him closer. Drake got in on my other side and I pulled him closer as well. I haven't gotten much chance to spend time with any of my mates except for the reveal, but then I had other matters to attend too, making me unable to join Alice, Cindy, and Qin when the three of them celebrated. Neither did Pyrus, Drake, and Nathaniel.

We watched Pyrus continue to splash Nathaniel until Nathaniel grabbed Pyrus and pinned him to the side of the pool. Nathaniel had his fangs in his neck, causing Pyrus to moan and shiver. I smirked as I watched them. When Nathaniel pulled away Pyrus was a little daze as Nathaniel moved, his back to Pyrus. Pyrus grabbed him from behind and bit into his neck as one his hands grabbed his cock.

"You two surely don't waste any time," Drake commented with a smile. Pyrus let him go with a smirk, "Each second is precious, we should enjoy it while we have it." I agreed. Nathaniel moved closer to us, "Come on dragon, have some fun with us." Drake chuckled with a smirk, "If you want too." Pyrus then came over to Qin and I. I moved Qin to be between my legs. His cheeks became red and I couldn't help but chuckle at him. Pyrus kissed him, easily dominating the kiss. I began kissing side of his neck. Nathaniel then began trailing kisses down the side of Pyrus's neck while Drake began to stroke and tease their cocks.

Qin began to grind against me, causing me to moan. We began to switch things up. I pulled Drake to me, prepping his tight hole for me, his back to my front. When it was ready I entered him, both of us watching as Pyrus and Nathaniel prep Qin to be double penetrated. Hearing Qin's moans and gasps of pleasure as well as Drake's tight hole made my orgasm so close. When Qin was ready they entered him, all three moaning at the feel of it. I stroked Drake's cock in time with my thrusts. Qin's face said he was in pure bliss as they fucked him. Their moans and Drake's were a beautiful song to my ears. When I came I was no where near sated, and neither were they.

For hours we fucked in the water, and outside of it. I had also fed heavily from them, making them exhausted. I got them back to our room, stripped them of the clothes they put on when we were done with the hot spring, and cleaned them up. I tucked them into bed for some much needed rest.

It was only a few minutes later before Cindy and Alice came back. Cindy looked exhausted. Alice helped her undress before she crawled into the bed with the others. Alice smirked, "I see you enjoyed yourself." I watched as she changed into a sports bra and shorts before sitting in my lap. "Care to have a drink with me," I asked her, wanting to just have that moment just us. She smiled, "I'd love too."

After getting a couple bottles of wine we turned the lights off so it was only the fireplace. The rest of our mates will be out for a while, so it would be just us. Alice used her magic to open the bottles and we got comfortable on the couch together. These moments I needed with her. There a chance for me to loose control and ignore the weight I have on my shoulders. We have the coronation coming up that keeps getting pushed back because of the rebels, as part of the council I have to deal with the mountain of paperwork and meetings regarding finding a balance for the supernatural and humans so we can coexist with as little issues as possible, I have to prepare to become King of my own kingdom, run my company, and I have to balance my relationship. The last one in my list is actually the hardest. I have six mates, with amazing and different personalities that I love. They also have different needs both for their health and mentally. They're worth every minute spent on them, it just can be stressful some times. I know they feel the stress of it too, and we all deal with the stress in our own ways. I like to have the occasional drink. Used too, I had it alone because Pyrus likes to fuck his stress and frustrations out, Nathaniel goes for a run, Drake works out, and Cindy eats. Qin and Alice are the only two who have yet to show when they've just reached that point. Instead they offer us someone to do it with so we're not alone. Alice is my drinking partner and Nathaniel's running partner. Qin is Cindy's eating partner and Drake's workout partner. Together they take turns with Pyrus. So although some may look at us and find this unhealthy, it's okay because it's rare this ever happens.

"How did the shopping trip go," I asked her before taking a drink. "It was okay for the most part," she with a shrug before taking a drink. "Cindy kept teasing me. When we got back I took her in the first room we got close too. Which is why she was so tired." Shopping and sex can really it take it out of a pregnant woman. Out of anyone really, but it explains why a quickie tired Cindy out so much.

"So how is it going with dealing with the whole, helping the government split between human and supernatural," She asked me. I scoffed, "Fucking horrible. The humans feel we should just dethrone all of us rulers because they cant seem to grasp the concept that we actually have a purpose as ruler instead of just sitting on a chair giving orders and blowing money. They feel we should continue to stay under one government." Alice laughed softly and shook her head, "That is a horrible idea."

I chuckled as I nodded. We continued to drink and talk until till we were unable to understand each other's slurs. Eventually we stripped off our clothes and got into bed with the others, me pulling her on top of me. I smiled softly when the others moved to be closer to us. Alice fell asleep almost instantly. I ran my hand up and down her back soothingly as I began to fall asleep myself.

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