Chapter 11

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Shelton's POV

I woke up feeling chains cuffed to my wrists. I groaned softly as my body reminded me of the pain it was in due to the gravity magic that I tried desperately to fight against it to get to Alice. Her screams of agony echoed in my mind. The last thing I remember after she stopped screaming was feeling something slam into the back of my head, knocking me out. I had been too focused on her I didn't notice the men behind us.

I tried looking around but it was hard to see anything due to how dark it was. I heard a soft groan that belonged to Cindy. "Are you okay Cindy," I asked her. "Where are we Shelton," she asked, her voice filled with fear. "I dont know," I told her honestly. I heard someone struggle, "Ugh damn it!" It was Pyrus. "Stop before you hurt yourself," Nathan told him. "We need to get out of here," Pyrus snapped. "You yelling isn't going to make that happen," Drake grumbled.

"Is Alice in here," Cindy asked. We were all silent for a moment. "I'm here," she said, her voice sounding soft and hoarse. "We're in a cell beneath the council building." "How fitting since it was the damned council who attacked us," Pyrus grumbled. "Why even take us," Drake asked. "To get me to do what they want. They know I'll listen if nothing happens to you," Alice said. Then we heard her sniffle, as if she were crying, "This is all my fault. Had we not met, you guys would be back home and safe." "Its not your fault Alice," I told her. "You didn't know they were going to come after you." And it was true. They weren't going to do anything to her until she met us.

I heard chains moving below me. I tried moving my foot forward and felt that I was on a ledge. "You guys shouldn't try to get out of your chains. You're very high up, being supported by small ledges. In the ground are large silver spikes waiting to impale you if you were to get loose and jump," Alice told us. "Can you see us," Pyrus asked her. "That weird shit she injected into me did some freaky shit, but yeah I can see you guys," she answered. "They wont keep us like this for long. They need you alive just like they need me. They just want to give me time to think over what I want in order to give them what they want without fuss. Of course the obvious, such as demanding they let you go wont work since once you're safe, who's to say I dont unleash my new found powers on this place." She had a point. Hopefully though we can find a way out of here quickly.

"I've almost burned through my chains," She told us after we all became silent for what felt like hours, waiting for something to happen. "Same here," Pyrus said. When the sound of chains dropping echoed in the room we all became tense.

Alice's POV

I could all of my mates around me, and I was going to get them out of here, even if it kills me. When Pyrus burned through his cuffs, I moved quickly to bounce across the spikes and leaped up to grab him, then bounce off the wall, landing with him where I had been chained up. The chains had been made of a metal that but off most magic, except the elemental kind apparently. I could feel all of my powers surge forth. Revenge will definitely be served today. I freed my other mates, then teleported us home. We all closed our eyes at the sudden bright light of our home. "I'm gonna go back, free the others and kill Henrietta," I announced to them. Shelton pulled me to him, kissing me as if his life depended on it.

When he let me go, Nathaniel went to pull me towards him, but suddenly someone new had arrived. We turned and saw a man wearing a brown suit, a gold pocket watch in his hand. "Before you attack, I'm Timora, the God of Time," He introduced. "Your existence is throwing off the balance of the world." My mates moved to protect me if he attacked, but he didn't appear to be the attacking kind. "It is supposed to be impossible for all magical beings to be combined into one person, and I am sorry that it has happened to you. When you were simply witch and wolf, that was okay. The balance tilted a little when you became part vampire but it was manageable. Now though, there is no balance as long as you stay as you are."

"What are you suggesting we do to fix it," I asked him curiously. "I reverse time, taking you back to before you are injected. You will know of the attack, allowing you to be ready, allowing you to kill her," He suggested. "It will revert you back to being the three way hybrid you were before the attack. The other option is the Gods come and kill you. It's your choice. But you better think fast, we only a small window of opportunity to revert time without any consequences."

I looked to my mates, and I knew what had to be done. I looked at the God of Time and nodded, "Let's do it." I wanted to make sure the pain I had gone through, the pain my mates went through, doesnt happen, and if this is the only way, then so be it.

He nodded and snapped his fingers and everything fell away, leaving only him and I in place that was bright. "I took the liberty of erasing what happened to you from your mates' mind so they dont spend the rest of your lives feeling guilty," he told me. I nodded, "Thank you for that." He nodded, "Now let's just pray this works and I can go back to pleasuring my own mate." He then snapped his fingers again, and I was blinded.

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