Chapter 4

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Alice's POV:

I got woken up by Cindy coming into the room happily. "Come on, we're gonna go shopping," Cindy cheered happily. "Why," I groaned as I tucked myself under my covers. "Because you need more than a week's worth of clothes silly," she told me. "I'm fine with what I have," I muttered.

"Oh Drakey!" She sang as she skipped out of my room. I snuggled under the covers, beginning to drift back to sleep when suddenly the covers were thrown off. I growled and buried my head under my pillow. "Either you get up, or you'll find yourself on the floor," he warned me. I growled and sat up. I stretched until my back popped. He smiled in satisfaction. Before he left he took my pillows and blanket to ensure I didn't go back to sleep. I dragged myself out of bed and changed into some faded jeans and a long sleeve tshirt. I had just finished lacing up my combat boots when Shelton came in to see if I was up and dressed.

He then sat down next to me on the bed. "I'm not going to reject you," he said while looking at me. "I want to get to know you and show you what it's like to be cared for." "You didn't need to give up your chair for me," I told him. I ran a hand through my hair, "I'm not worth giving something like that up for. Plus we've only known each other a few days." He took my hand and brought it to his lips, the sparks I enjoyed going up my arm, "We had only known Nathaniel a week before we were in love with him, ready to complete the mating. With you here, we all feel complete now. I didn't even give it a second thought when I came up with my idea to give up my chair for you. Even if you reject me, I still wouldn't regret it because I know it meant you would have a steady pay, not having to wait for handouts from the council. As for whether or not you're worth it, you should leave that kind of thinking to us, because we think you are."

My throat felt tight as my eyes burned. I'm tired of crying damn it. I looked into his storm grey eyes, seeing nothing but reassurance. I didn't believe it though. Instead I just nodded and kept my thoughts to myself. He took my hand and we stood up. Everyone was waiting in foyer for us before going out to a large car surprisingly big enough to fit us all. Shelton got in the driver seat then looked at my through the rearview mirror, "A couple of rules for you. You're not allowed to look at price tags, nor are you allowed to pay for anything yourself."

He was insane, and I went to tell him as such when Cindy covered my mouth with her hands, "It'll be okay Alice. You're our mate and we want to take care of you." She pressed her lips the back of her hand and I knew what she meant by it and it had me blushing, my protest dying on my tongue.

When we got to the mall I felt so self conscious, making sure to keep my sunglasses in place. I tucked my hands into my pockets, wishing I could just use my wolf speed to get out of here, but there were too many humans around. Nathaniel wrapped an arm around my waist as we walked to the first store Cindy lead us too. I glanced around the store and felt out of place. Cindy was off with Pyrus, handing him clothes to hold while the others seemed to just be watching. I sighed and went to the rack of jeans. I found a few pair I liked when Cindy came over with Pyrus. "Here go try this stuff on," she told me. She pushed me to the dressing room and hung the clothes on a hook, "When you try it on, come out and let us see." She stepped out and shut the door smiling.

What just happened? I looked at the clothes she had grabbed then held in my groan.

Cindy's POV:

Watching her try on the many different outfits was torture for us. She had such a beautiful body that we wanted to worship. Her breasts were much larger than mine as well as my ass, but that was more than okay with me. I couldn't wait to taste her. There were a few times some of the clothes she tried on showed some scars but she didn't seem discouraged by them.

She just seemed embarrassed about modeling the clothes for us. After buying what she liked we went to the next store. The other supernatural races who were here stared and whispered but she ignored them. The guys and I didn't however. I looped my arm through hers, and dragged her towards the lingerie store. By the way her eye brows rose and her face became red, I knew her eyes were wide. There were guys sitting outside waiting for their girlfriends or wives, looking bored while on their phones. They seemed shocked when our mates followed us in unashamed. They enjoyed picking out lingerie for me to wear, for them to rip off later. It was rough, yet thrilling.

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