After Training Heart Attack!

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I was waiting by the lake, it wasn't long until Tsuyu showed up. I ran up to her smiling, "Hey Tsu! Thank you so much for meeting with me to help me train." She smiled at me, "No problem kero" I had spent a lot of time thinking of different ways to train so that both of us can get a benefit from this. I let her have a minute to get situated with her stuff and stretch before we began. I thought it would be best if I joined in the stretches, we wouldn't want to injury ourselves now, would we?

After plenty of stretches, I discussed with Tsu about her quirk so I can thoroughly understand it, then I did the same explaining mine. So her quirk doesn't really have anything to do with water a poor assumption on my part, but she does try to use it to her advantage. Together we decided of an all-out sparring match over the lake, with her at the advantage and Me at the disadvantage.

I set a fifteen-minute timer for Tsuyu to get set up with her part on the lake with me facing the opposite direction. Now while we wait let me describe the lake to whoever reads this, The lake is in the middle of the woods allowing us to use our quirks without disrupting anyone or getting caught. In the center of the Lake is a small island only about the size of half a football field. The lake itself stretches only to the size of a football field and a half if I were staying to that measurement.


Ah, finally the timer went off. I turn towards the battlefield, in our case, and scan it first. I yell out, "Ready or Noy here I come!!" just like in the game hide and seek. This may be training with me at the disadvantage but I'm still gonna let my partner know that the timer is up, I'm not mean.

Alright with her being able to use camouflage she could be anywhere...Well, I guess I should check the island first and see if she went there or if she was in the water. I activated my quirk so that I could hover in the air then I basically flew over to the island. There wasn't any movement in the water as I could see as I went over.

I landed safely on the sand without even a hint as to where she went. I walked around the edge of the island and used my search skills to see if there was a trail of a human coming on to the island, there wasn't...

No matter! I'll just search the water but before I go over the water once more I take my shirt and make a pouch out of it, then filled it with sand. Over the water, we go! As I slowly traveled by air I let out the sand so it can cloud the around me then I look for movement. Aha! Movement spotted, I lift my hand with my palm in the direction of the movement and I let out a powerful burst of air so it can penetrate the water.

Tsuyu reveals her self after the air blast, I missed... She didnt hesitate though, she shot her tongue towards me. I had to think fast to not get tied up by it if I did it was an instant win for her. To counteract the attack I had increased the pressure below my feet to shoot myself in the air higher to avoid that long tongue of hers. This, however, depletes the amount of time I am able to use my quirk, that is if I wasn't over water.

For awhile we just back and forth, I learned that, since I was over water, I could use my quirk a lot longer than on land the only issue is that its a lot harder to control so there was a couple of time where she sent a blast that was two hard and moved the water enough to see the bottom and other times when she would add pressure under her feet and get sent flying into the air. Meanless to say, she did learn how to eventually get a good enough handle on it not to accidentally hurt Tsuyu.

In the end, there was no winner or loser. We ended up exhausting ourselves to a point where I fell into the water and Tsuyu's tongue was sore. We just rested on the mainland, both of our clothes were soaked. I had enough energy to blast Tsuyu with air just enough to dry her off so she doesn't have to walk in wet clothes and catch a cold. However, that means I will do exactly that.

Tsuyu's mother texted her about I've minutes later asking her to be home for dinner so we bid our goodbyes and walked off in our separate directions. I was shivering so bad I looked as though I was vibrating. She walked down the street as the sun was starting to go down, She had her bag slung on her shoulder.

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" Questioned a familiar voice behind her. She turned around to see who spoke and saw Izuku. "What are you doing walking around soaking wet like this you'll catch a cold!!" He rushed over to me and took off his jacket in the process to wrap around my shoulders. "I-I was training... Won't you g-get cold?" I asked concerned more for him rather than my own self. "I'll be fine I'm not the one who is shivering right now. Come on let's get you back to your home so you can take a bath and warm up."

We made back to my place and he let me be to warm up myself as he went back into his house. I will never understand his kindness but I am sure as hell grateful for it. I started the hot water and went to get a change of clothes before getting in. "Ahhh this feels so nice~" I nice hot bath after walking wet in the cold really helps. After like...30 minutes I decided that I'm ready to get out so I drain the water and dry off to get dressed.

I walk into the living room only to be scared out of my mind. Izuku was sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?!" I took deep breaths to slow my extremely fast heartbeat. "S-sorry!! My mom wanted me to bring over some warm soup but your door was locked, but my mom persisted and used the key you gave her and told me to wait here and make sure you were feeling okay!" Inko what the hell? I sighed, I guess there wasn't I could do anything about it now. The poor kid was already rambling apologies and had a deep red blush on his face.

"Thank you...for lending me your jacket and helping me get warm. And please let your mom know I said thank you for the soup." Izuku nodded and stood up to leave. "I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)" A part of me didn't want him to leave just yet so I accidentally blurted out. "Would you like to stay and share some soup with me?......... So you can take the dish back with you" Really that's your excuse?? Luckily Izuzku agreed and offered to make the bowls while I set the table.

It was really awkward with it just the two of us in my apartment...alone. My face exploded in a blush. I watch too much anime to know how many different situations can play out right now. "(Y/N)! Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" He and his gentle soul reached over and felt my forehead which did not help the situation. "You're burning up! Come on let's get you to your bed so you can rest." Damn it! Me and my non-innocent mind, how dare you to betray me!! Izuku is really just a sweet, kind, innocent cinnamon roll, he helped me to get all situated and even said he would clean up the dishes, this poor soul.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. When I awoke, I went into the kitchen to find a nice note sitting on the table;

I hope you are feeling better when you read this!

I was gonna let you know when I was leaving but you

Were fast asleep when I finished the dishes so I let myself

out. It was nice hanging with you! Feel better!


This kid as no idea what he does to me. If only he remembered me then maybe things wouldn't be as awkward.


Word Count: 1464

Hello, my beautiful readers, I hope you are staying inside and staying healthy! This will probably not be the last time to see me saying this but, I'm sorry for the slow updates!

Anyways, I hope y'all are well. See you next time!!

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