Here We Go

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The only thing I take with me to Father’s agency is my phone and my hero suitcase. The drive there was full of chatter as I caught up with everything that had been going on and I told him about my plans for helping get Izuku’s memory. The talking really helped me feel at home and it helped make the ride to the agency go by quickly which is always helpful.

We walk inside and I follow him to his office so that we both can change into our hero suits, thanks to him being the number one hero he has a more updated building so even though we are in the same office it feels like a complete separate part of the building. After changing I wait for him to walk out then together we head towards a meeting room so I can meet the American interns and the other hereros I’ll be working with this week.

“Greetings young heros! Glad you are all here. I'd like you to meet our new intern from Japan Aero. She will be with us until the end of the week so let's show her how we do things around her. First, patrol, Each one of you interns will be paired with a prohero in this room and each take a different sector of the city.” He turns towards his secretary who smiles and hands each Pro a paper with the Hero name and quirk info of the partner they will be teaming up with then the sectors were discussed.

Once the meeting was concluded, Father turned to me and mentioned that on the first day I’ll pair with him and then afterwards I can work with others if I’d like to since I grew up with him.

Father and I were in charge of the Northern area since the crime rates were typically higher in that area than in the area where the other interns were heading. “Today will be a simple patrol and there aren't typically attacks during this time so relax but be aware of your surroundings.” I nod my head, from this moment to the moment we get home we aren’t father and daughter. We are Windstorm and Aero, Pro and the learning intern.

Time Skip

The patrol was only for a few hours to allow for rotation so that a hero doesn’t get tired or hungry and can always be prepared for an unexpected situation. Everyone who was out on patrol reported back to the same meeting room to report what had happened.

Luckily there wasn’t much going on today, just a simple quirk mishap in the east but it was easily resolved by the pretty skilled intern. While Father and I were walking he was telling me about the other interns, from what I can tell America has a bright future in terms of their heroes.

There were only four of us interns, so after the adult excused us we all left and got to learn more about each other. (I’m still friends with them to this day but more about that later) (Forget that this was a journal from future Y/N? Hehe I’ll be adding comments from the future to make it more like a journal entry so keep a lookout) Surprisingly there were an even number of girls to boys, I wonder if that was on purpose or not. We were all told that we’d be put into pairs the next day for a simple mission.

By the end of the day I have been on patrol twice, the second time was interrupted by a situation involving a child discovering her quirk lets just say that the generation following us will be quite powerful. Father had to stay back at the office so he’d meet me back at the house later so I went ahead. I met up with the interns from before and we all decided to get dinner together before they all clocked out for the night. It was quite fun!

Two of them, Matthew and Noah, went to the major hero school nearby, the one I almost went too, how crazy is that! The other intern, Tori, was from a few counties over. She has a similar quirk with one of the heroes that work under my father and she was hoping to pair up with them eventually. I am so glad that I still managed to meet these cool people.

By the end of the first night, you’d believe I’ve known them for years! The next day we all met up and got prepared for the mission, apparently only half of us are going on this mission the other will be going on patrol today. Since they already had Windstorm they told me that I'm on the patrol along with Tori.

The boys had good quirks and quite the control over them so they went on the mission. No worries I'll get another chance it's only a learning experience no need to get out there so fast.

Time skip

Tori and I along with a Pro were out on patrol when suddenly someone shouted "Fire!" The three of us quickly ran over to the scene to assess the situation. An apartment complex was on fire and there was smoke coming out of the top.

The Pro, Willowmene, shouted towards the onlookers to call the fire department before she turned to Tori and I to quickly come with her to help rescue those inside. Tori's quirk would be able to create a bubble around our heads so that the smoke won't hurt our lungs.

We get to the door and notice the lock has melted so whoever is inside can't get out. Willowmene quickly uses her quirk to create branches between the door and the wall and pry it open. Once inside, immediately we notice that it obviously belongs to a family as there were toys scattered around the ground. "Hello?! Anyone inside?" I shout into the once family home. In return we hear muffled cries from what sound like a small child.

Willowmene tells Tori and I to check out the sound while she searches the house. We get to what appears to be a bedroom and we see a little girl in the corner crying. I freeze in the doorway as Tori carefully walks over to the girl. She gets a bubble over the girls head before she notices I haven't moved.

Everything started to overlap with what happened in the past. The melted lock. The little girl is crying in the corner while the house burns down around her. All that is left is…

Willowmene comes back to the room and sees me but doesn't realize what's going on. "I found the mother… sadly she didn't make it."

My breathing starts to speed up as my heart beats faster. My chest tightens as I fall to my knees. The bubble providing breathable air pops as I crash down. The smoke feels thick as it fills my lungs and the memories flood back and blend with reality. Due to the sudden state I was put under I couldn't tell the difference between reality and memory. It felt like it was all happening all over again. It felt like that night. The night I lost my mother

Word Count: 1220

Hehehe get ready for the next chapter. Coming to you on Friday.

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