Last Memory

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It was the first day of my life at UA High. It had been ten years since the last time I've seen Him.

I can't believe that it's only been a month since I moved back, and the best part is, I moved in two doors down from Him. I haven't been able to stop by his house yet to tell him I was back so I thought it was a great idea to tell him by surprising him in class.

If only it had gone like planned, then maybe I won't be where I am now...

The Beginning Of Class

I walked into class 1-A with confidence and excitement. I mean who wouldn't I was about to see my childhood best friend.

When I went inside, it was a little early and not a lot of people were there. Since I didn't see him, I decided to try and meet some people, maybe make some friends, haven't had time to do that either.

I decided to try and talk to a boy with really cool red and white hair. But he seemed to be sleeping and I didn't want to annoy anyone on the first day. So, instead, I walked up to a girl with black hair, pulled into a spiky ponytail.

"Um... I hope I'm not bothering you, but I just wanted to introduce myself." The girl had set her book down and looked up at me "Oh no, you're not bothering me" then she smiled and something about her, and I don't know if it was the way she smiled or not. But she felt like the big sister, that will always have your back and you can talk about anything to them.

I smiled back before introducing myself. "My name is (F/N) (L/N)!" I stuck my hand out to her, luckily she took it and said: "Nice to meet you (L/N)-san, I'm Momo Yaoyorozu".

Just then someone one walked in and I felt chills. I knew exactly who it was and I am not a fan.


Katsuki Bakugou even his name gives me chills. In case you are unaware of why he makes me feel anxious its because whenever I was around him as a child he would bully Him.

Five minutes later

Bakugou and some kid in glasses were arguing because Hothead wouldn't take his feet off the desk. I was so distracted by the argument that I didn't even see the boy I was waiting for walk in.

Izuku Midoriya, my best friend since childhood. Well at least he was before I had to move to America. That was a really sad day.

10 Years Ago
3rd pov

(Y/N) and Izuku went out everyday to play at the nearby park until dinner time. That day, (Y/N) had to go home early, but before she had to leave, she had to tell him that she was moving.

"(Y/N)! Its time to go home we have to finish packing!" (Y/N)'s mother shouted from the other side of the playground.

"(Y/N)? What does your mommy mean by packing? Are you going on a trip?" The curious little broccoli headed boy asked (Y/N).

"N-no... well kinda. Mommy said it was like a permanent trip." The girl sniffled as tears formed in her eyes as she continued. " Mommy says we are moving to a place called America and we have to go tomorrow."

Tears were pouring down (Y/N)'s face at this point. She didn't want to leave her best friend and she didn't want him to be sad. He now had tears in his eyes that were on the brink of falling down his freckled cheeks.

The boy cried out as he hugged his best friend as tight as he could "B-but I don't want you to go!! I am going to miss you! Who am I going to play with now?"

(Y/N)'s mother came over, got down on one knee as the two children were hugging. She spoke in a calm and sweet voice "I'm sorry Izuku but (Y/N)'s daddy got a new job and we have to go to be with him"

Izuku looked up at the calm woman, tears stained his face " Will We ever see each other again?" The woman's face showed sadness as she told the crying boy, "Maybe one day, when you are all grown up and you are a hero. Then you might see each other again"

The woman stood up once again and took (Y/N)'s hand into her own, "Come on (Y/N), it's time to go home". (Y/N) gave Izuku one last hug before she walked away. Izuku's mother went over to him as he cried into her shoulder. (Y/N) silently cried on her walk back to her house.

Word Count: 828

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