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Izuku's POV

Okay Izuku think fast, how do you answer a question about your quirk without revealing All Might's secret? "W-well um... my quirk appeared a lot later in my life than normal people and um... I break my bones because my body isnt used to it even if I train my body everyday." I look up at her face.

There's something familiar about her face but I can't seem to place it. I feel like I've seen her in a dream. She seems confused did I say that out loud?! Oh no did I say to much?! AllMight I am sooo sorry!!!

"Well, anyways Midoriya... um since I live next door and we are in the same class, would It be okay if..."(L/N) takes a deep breath seeming a lot more confident than before. "Would It be okay if I called you by your first name?"

My first name? Oh yea I guess we are pretty familiar with each other and mom seems to like her. Which was strange since she seemed to know her fairly well from the moment she saw her outside our window. I should ask her about it later. I look back at (L/N) and she looks away.

Oh! I forgot to answer her! She probably thinks I don't want her too, which would mean she probably feels super awkward right now and probably wants to leave, and I'm taking a long time to answer. Shut Up brain and speak mouth! "Yes! You can call me Izuku! May I call you (Y/N)?"

She smiles and nods her head. She has such a beautiful smile. Mom knocks on the door "Izuku baby is (Y/N) staying for dinner? It's getting kinda late. " I look back at her "Sure I'll stay for dinner I don't have much at home anyways. " I nod my head and tell my mom that she will be staying over.

Time Skip (Y/N) POV

After dinner I help Izuku clean up the table while his mom put away the leftovers. It's quiet but it's a comfortable silence. After everything is put away and clean I give my thanks to the midoriyas for their hospitality and leave their apartment.

I didn't feel like going inside my own apartment yet so instead of turning left I turned right out into the street. It was dark out as to be expected and the streets were bare and quiet. I decide to pull my phone out when I see there I had a missed call. It's was my dad. He was probably calling in to check on me. It's about 7 am back in the states so I call him back.

"Hey Princess it's kinda late isn't I didn't expect you to call me back until tomorrow" I stopped by the park nearby and sat down on a bench. "I know I just left the Midoriyas and went for a walk" I look out and notice I'm at the spot where I first met Izuku. "Aww your guys reunion must've been special"

I sigh "Actually he doesn't remember me but Miss Inko does and she said that he was hit with a forget-me-not quirk that erases the most important thing in his life. But today he said something about the past so I think his memory is coming back slowly."

I look up at the sky and notice all the stars that are out tonight. "I'm sorry to hear that Princess, but don't worry I'm going to be able to take some days off to come see you at the sports festival. It's only a month away. "

I smiled to myself "I know dad and I can't wait to see you, it's been lonely living at the apartment by myself." My dad lets out a sigh, "I know Princess, and it's been awfully lonely here as well since you went back to Japan."

I let out a yawn, "You seem tired Princess so I'll let you go for now so you can get home and get some sleep. I love you." "I love you too dad and tell Kiko I love and miss her too please" "Will do Princess" I hang up and take the walk back home. (Kiko is a little puppy they got after her mother passed away)

Once home, I took a quick shower and set my alarm before I hopped into my bed and turned on whatever I was watching last night before falling into a deep sleep.

In a Dream... 3rd POV

A little girl about 6 years old is seated on a rug in front of a fireplace, coloring on paper with crayons. Next to her, an older man sits in an armchair. A comforting smell comes from the kitchen as an older women cook dinner for their small family.

The little girl finishes her drawing and quickly jumps up to show her father her masterpiece. "Look Daddy! I drew a picture of our family back in Japan!" it was a picture of two little kids, one with green hair and the other with (H/C), beside the children were three adults her parents and a short green-haired lady.

The man picked up his daughter and set her upon his lap and showed a great smile "You have such an amazing talent Princess I'm so proud of you." The man's eyes showed sadness though for his job caused his daughter to be apart from her best friend.

The girl seems to notice and asked, "What's wrong daddy?" The man gave her a big hug and by this time the woman in the kitchen had joined them and gave the little girl a hug as well. "We're so sorry Princess that we had to split you and Izuku apart."

The little girl smiled up at her parents "It's okay daddy I know you thought really hard and you thought this was the best op-por-tun-i-ty for me." The woman smiled at the little girl "When did you learn such a big word? You are so smart!" The woman tickled the little girl's side causing her to laugh loudly and squirm in her father's lap. The man joined in tickling his daughter, laughing alongside her and his wife.

Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've been having a little bit of writer's block and this past weekend I got really sick. But I'm mostly better now! And here is a new update! I wasn't quite sure how to do this chapter so I hope it didn't turn out to bad. Anyways I'll see you guys next time!!

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