Quirk Apprehension Test

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I looked around the field at all my classmates with a smile on my face. Half of the class, those who probably figured out that what Aizawa Sensei said was a lie, had stoic faces and then there's the other half of the class that looked like ghosts with how scared they seemed. I must sigh at their idiotic-ness. 

The first test was the ball throw that Bakugo had demonstrated. I looked around once more to try and bet on what each student's quirk is and who I think is more powerful based on their looks. And I know 'Don't judge a book by its cover' but who even follows that rule? 

Wait I just realized… How will Deku handle the test without a quirk? And he doesn't even look that strong. 

It's Uraraka's turn now. Oh! I wonder what her quirk will be! After she throws, Aizawa Sensei shows us how far she threw, just like he has done for the rest of the class so far. When I looked at the little device I could've sworn I lost some confidence points I mean holy shit! Infinity?!? I've got to ask about her quirk later. 

Aizawa Sensei called my turn for this part of the test. Alright (y/n) keep it together you can do this, take a deep breathe and focus. I pick up the ball and activate my quirk while throwing it creating a swish sound. Aizawa shows the device and it reads 698 meters, not bad if I do say so myself. 

I step out of the taped circle and Uraraka come up to me with a big smile on her face. "(L/N)-san! That was amazing! Your score was super high!". I blush slightly and waved off the compliment. "Thank you really. You're score was way better! I mean infinitely?! Come on you've got to tell me about your quirk". 

She had opened her mouth to say something but stopped when it was Izuku's turn. Me and her both were watching with anticipation but Uraraka seemed worried… I wonder why? 

He stepped into the circle and drew back his arm to throw when he finally did the ball went 3 meters. I had to stop myself from laughing but Bakugou didn't hold back he was laughing like there was no tomorrow. Izuku on the other hand seemed to be examining his arm like something was wrong. That's when Aizawa Sensei began talking. I zoned out though since he didn't seem to be talking to the class. 

I snapped back into reality when Izuku was up to throw again this time I felt a gush of wind as the ball soared through the air. Aizawa showed us the device it read 705.3 meters. That's .1 meter further than Bakugo! Oh no he not gonna be happy!

As I expected Bakugo blew up. "HEY YOU DAMN NERD HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO ME ALL THIS TIME?!" He began walking closer to Izuku, his hands starting to glow but right before anything happened it stopped, I looked over to our teacher to see he had activated his quirk canceling Bakugo's. 

After some scolding from our teacher we continued the tests. The side steps was next, my quirk won't really boost my speed in this way it would only slow me down so I didn't use it. The 50-meter dash however it will. Once again we went through each person. So far the tall boy with glasses was the fastest. I'm the last person to run, but I earned the title of second fastest. I smirked gaining my confidence back. My quirk really comes in handy for a lot of speed related situations. We went through 5 more tests before the whole thing was over. 

In the end I didn't use my quirk very much. I would say that I used my quirk probably on half of the tests maybe less I don't remember, it's been a long day. We all gathered around a scoreboard to wait for the ranks to be shown. 

Aizawa sensei showed us the ranks and it was actually surprising, well that might be because I wasn't really paying attention to the other students. I guess I lost a bet with myself on who would get first. As I looked through the names on the board I spot mine right above Uraraka. (Y/n) (L/n) 10th place it's not bad. Definitely higher than middle school I guess training with dad has paid off. 

Time Skip

Since all the other classes were at the orientation we didn't have the normal course classes today so after we all changed we just went back to the classroom. Well almost all of us Izuku had to go to the nurse's office since he broke his finger throwing the ball. 

I decided that now would be a good time to talk to Uraraka since we do have free time. I walked over to her, she was talking to the tall boy with glasses so I waited patiently for an opportunity to introduce myself to him and to talk to Uraraka. 

I didn't have to wait long since he seemed to notice me and spoke first. "Oh! Hello! You are the girl who ran almost as fast as me in the 50-meter dash! My name is Tenya Iida and you are?" I apologetically smiled at Uraraka for interrupting their conversation before I answered the boy. 

"Hello, I'm (Y/N) (L/N) pleased to meet you" I flashed a smile after I spoke. I am actually surprised with myself I'm actually making friends! "(L/N)-san since we have some extra time can you please tell us about your quirk?" Uraraka had said with a begging expression. I smile and nod my head, "As long as you tell me about yours". She nods her head in response. 

"Well my quirk is quite simple really. Like how Bakugo can blast explosions, my quirk allows me to blast out pressurized air from my hands and feet. So I can make myself hover like this".  I blast a small amount of air from my feet making me come off the ground about 3 inches before coming back down. "When I was younger my dad would call me Iron Man because of this" I smiled at the memory. 

"That's so cool (L/N)-san! What else can you do?" a few other people crowded around me, I didn't think my quirk was that interesting it's just air. "I can also use my quirk to run fast like you saw earlier. And jump high, but I can't hover or use my quirk longer than 30 minutes at a time because I'll start to become dehydrated." (I'll explain more of that later)

Time Skip

I guess I got caught up in the moment because we only had a few minutes left of class and Izuku had come back from the nurse. By now,  everyone was talking about their quirks and Izuku was writing in his notebook, probably writing down facts about everyone, so I decided to slip away and gather my things to go home. 

Word Count: 1192

A/N Hello wonderful readers! I am truly sorry for a delayed update! Highschool is hard, and I also attended an anime convention recently so I had cosplays to put together. So, to make it up to you I made this chapter longer than usual and I hope you will forgive me. Anyways I am hopefully gonna be getting into a schedule with my updates! Final note - THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100 READS!!! I honestly didn't think that my story would get many reads so thank you for that! One more thing, (Oops I lied) I will be going back thru my chapters and giving them names instead of calling them chapter 1, 2, 3, etc. That's it! I'll see you soon with a new update!!

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