Holiday Special (One shot)

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Only a few more days until Christmas and I completely forgot to get Izuku something. This will be our first Christmas since we got together and I can't believe I forgot to get something. 

I'm sitting in my living room scrolling through Pinterest to get an idea of what to get and after about an hour or so I decided to call Uraraka. "Hello?" she answers, "Hey Uraraka! I need you to help to get something for Izuku for Christmas. Do you think you can help?" 

She agrees to help me out and I explain what she can do. After the call with Uraraka, I call Ms. Inko, Izuku is her son so she should know what Izuku would want. She picks up and I explain the situation, she then mentions that Izuku isn't home right now and that I should come over. 

I lock up my apartment and head next door to the Midoriya house. She leads me inside and makes some tea as she helps me come up with an idea of what to get Izuku. 

The easiest choice is to get him something All Might theme, but I want my gift to be more meaningful. That's when I get an idea. "Ms. Inko I've gotten an idea, do you know that glass sculpture place that's on the edge of town?" She nods her head, "What if I get a glass figure of an important moment of Us?" 

Ms. Inko smiles "That sounds like an amazing idea and I can talk to Izuku on what are some of his favorite moments were of you two, tonight, then tomorrow I'll let you know. " I smile and thank you for helping me before I head back home. 

I text Uraraka and tell her the new plan and she sent back that she'll make sure Izuku isn't near that area tomorrow. 

Time skip

I just set the order for the sculpture and the nice man said that it should be completed in an hour, he has to wait for his partner, who has the quirk, to get to work. So, while I wait I decided to meet up with Izuku who should be at the mall with Uraraka. 

I met up with them at the ice skating rink in the middle of the mall, once I got there Uraraka said she had to leave to go find some gifts for her family. "Hey Izuku I've missed you" I giggled softly because I just saw him this morning. 

He takes my hand into his "I've missed you too. Do you want to go ice skating? We are here after all." I nervously nod my head "I haven't ice skating since I was little." He gave me a big confidant smile, "Don't worry, I am here! Just hold on and I'll help you."

We bought our skates, I couldn't figure out how to tie the laces, and after Izuku tried to show me how to do it and I still couldn't do it, he decided just to do it for me. I was blushing slightly, the last time someone tied my laces was my dad. 

Once he's done he stands and offers his hand out to me and to help me stand. I wobble slightly and he places a hand on my back to help steady me. 

Then we go onto the ice, as soon as I step on the ice I slip and fall backward onto my butt. Izuku tried hard to not laugh but once I started laughing he busted out laughing as well. 

After about five minutes of just trying to stand on the ice alone, Izuku suggested we get off the ice. I was determined to skate and turned down his suggestion. I managed to steady myself and grabbed onto the wall. "Here take my hand I'll slowly glide you across the ice until you get the hang of it. " He's so thoughtful. 

I take his hand and let go of the wall, I lose my balance and almost fall bit before I could Izuku caught me and stood me back up. He's got fast reflexes sometimes it really scares me. "T-thank you Izuku, b-but I'm scared"

He nods "I understand, here let's try this. Bend your knees slightly and slowly glide your feet out in small Vs one foot at a time." (I kid you not that how someone was telling me how to skate and it was still difficult XD)

It took a few times to get the hang of it and during the whole time Izuku never let go of my hand. I soon got the hang of it and told Izuku to skate a lap by himself and I'lll slowly skate by.

I didn't want to hold him back, besides I'll be fine, right? "Are you sure (Y/N)?" I smile and nod my head, "Alright, I'll be back I promise" then he starts to skate faster, there was a section of the rink that no one was at, when he got there he did a really cool jump with a spin with it. (He did a double Axel)

I was so starstruck I wasn't paying attention to where I was gliding off to and before I knew it I face planted into the wall. Izuku saw and quickly skated over "(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" I nod slowly and grip my nose as I turn around, "Y-your nose! It's bleeding!!" huh, I guess it was… 

Izuku started to overreact, "Izuku calm down I'm find I just wasn't paying attention. Take a deep breath I'm okay." We get off the ice and an attendee came over to make sure I was okay along with some napkin to stop the bleeding. 

Time Skip

We ending up taking our skates off and leaving the mall. Izuku told me to close my eyes as he drove somewhere, when we got there izuku said to keep my eyes closed and trust everything to him. He helped me out of the car and we walked for a little bit until he said to open my eyes. 

When I opened them I was surrounded by a winter wonderland scene with all sorts of beautiful lights strung around the trees. "It's… beautiful" Izuku takes my hands and looked into my eyes "There not as beautiful as you are (Y/N)" 

I blushed lightly as his eyes quickly looked from my eyes to my lips. I did the same, I looked from his mesmerizing emerald eyes to his soft lips. Not a moment later our lips connected.

The moment seems to be going by in slow motion, the trees softly swaying causing the lights to move around slightly. The snow started to fall and tiny snowflakes left a light coat in our hair and all around us. And it was just Me and Izuku. My life feels complete.

Word Count: 1150
Merry Christmas Readers! Even if you don't celebrate Christmas I was to wish you a Happy Holidays! I had completely written a totally different chapter than the one you have but I decided to save it for later  hehe you'll like it... I hope. Anyways! I will be taking the next week off because my family is in town and I won't have time to write the next chapter. I'll see you in 2020!!!

Remember Me (DekuxReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora