The Bridge

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The day following lunch went by pretty fast, nothing exciting happened except for the fact the Izuku had a MAJOR upgrade with his quirk. I mean that kid was able to use it without breaking his bones! He must've learned something over the internships, good now i can decrease the amount of worry I have for the broccoli boy.

It was about an hour or so until sundown when I got to the bridge and waited for Izuku to show, he had to talk with All Might about something first. This gives me a perfect opportunity to work out how to put phase one into action. I sat down on some of the benches looking out over the water and pulled out a notebook.

Since it appears that reenacting old memories result in jogging his memory in pieces of the past I decided that I would try and reenact all of the major events in our relationship and hope it's enough for him to remember. Hopefully if this does work we can start from where we left off and he remembers the promise he made to me when we were kids. I mean I don’t think he’ll act on it but I kinda just want to see his reaction to it 10 years later.

I wrote down all the major events I believe were either easy to recreate or major moments. Such as our first meeting, that day in the park when we talk about what kind of heroes we wanted to be when we got older, the bridge incidence when Bakugou fell and Izuku reached for him and afterwards Bakugo got mad and accidentally pushed me into the water instead of Izuku. Then the day we made the promise before I left for America.

Izuku showed up about 20 minutes later just as I was finishing up the list and crossing some events off. He cleared his throat nervously and called for me, “Y/N sorry for keeping you waiting”.

“No worries I was able to get a little work done while I waited.” I flashed him a smile and offered him a seat next to me. “ So about why I called you out here…” Why am I suddenly feeling nervous?! Stupid Uraraka putting thought in my head earlier.

“Right! I noticed at the sports festival you seemed to have amazing control over your quirk. How did you learn to manage control like that?” Suddenly this boy managed to grab his notebook and pen out faster than I could blink. He just always seems to have it at the ready. The action shocked me that I couldn't think for a second.

“What do you want to know?” I was not exactly sure what to talk about since this wasn’t the prime focus of the meeting at the bridge…

“What did you learn on your internship in America?” Great first question. Trauma much.

“I didn't learn as much as you did clearly but I did learn what it was like on patrol. I also learn how to properly use my quirk in an environment that has more water and far less water. Since my quirk is dependent on the hydration in my body if I am in a situation such as… surrounded by fire… my body will become dehydrated faster than on a normal day.”

Boy did those green eyes sparkle. During my little speech I had stood up and started to pace a little and when I looked back at the broccoli boy his eyes were sparkling in such curiosity it reminded me of an innocent child.

We ended up talking for hours about each other’s internships, he wanted to know everything about America since that was where All Might was first popular. I learned more about the Hosu incident after he made me swear not to tell anyone since he and the other two could get in trouble. I scolded him for his recklessness.

It was almost sunset when we realized the time. We were about to head home when I remembered I completely forgot to try and spark a memory. I guess I’ll.. Have…

Suddenly a bike sped behind Izuku causing him to accidently push me and the clumsy person I am. I fell over the edge. The drop from the bridge to the river below is about 20 feet. After I recollect myself and come to realize I didn’t fall into the raging water below instead I was hanging in the air.

“Y/N! Hang On!!!” That shout brought me back to my senses.

Slowly, I looked up my arm to the connecting one to see who had caught me. The sun was at an angle that casted a shadow over his face but the silhouette of his unruly hair was more than enough to give away my hero.

He hoisted my up high enough that I could grab hold of the edge and pull myself over with his assistance. Once I hit the solid ground I was able to take in what the hell just happened. My shoulder may be sore now but who knows how much pain I could be in if it weren’t for Izuku.

Izuku’s hand rested on my shoulder as he looked into my eyes all concerned. “Y/n? Are you okay? That must’ve been scary, you could’ve been badly hurt! Do you need me to take you to the hospital??” His questioning causes me to laugh which resulted in him looking at me like I was crazy.

“Oh No! Did you hit your head?!”

I managed to calm my laughter down to speak to him, “No, No, I’m sorry it's just, I did not expect this to happen all over again. Thank you for saving me again Deku.” Unfortunately the water is a lot lower than it was ten years ago.

Izuku starts to laugh slightly too, “Yeah something with this bridge and you… falling...” his laughter turned into confusion as a thought was brought to his attention. “This is exactly like that time when Kacchan fell into the water except… It wasn’t just Kacchan there was someone else there.”

My head turned towards him in surprise and excitement. He’s remembering! I can’t believe that triggered a memory, sure that was the original plan coming here but I didn’t plan on almost falling.

The green-ette looks back into my eyes this time with a sort of shimmer in them like he was replaying a memory. “Yeah… I did fall off this bridge before. Actually when Kacchan fell it was because I pulled him down with me when he tried to push you and ended up pushing me.”

“Wait but if that was you… Why didn’t I remember before? I could've sworn it was just Kacchan who fell in and I tried to help him when he got mad. Wait wait wait… If that was you does that mean you are also the little girl I remember sitting next to in a hospital room? After the sports festival I had this weird De ja vu feeling that I sat by you in the hospital before.”

A smile grew to my face and tears pricked the corners of my eyes. He really is remembering does this me Deku is coming back to me? “You probably felt that way because you sat by me after I fell off the swings at the old playground when we were 4.”

Izuku put a hand on his temple and rubbed it, “My head hurts…”

“Oh! We should head home anyways. I'm sure your mom is gonna get worried if you get home late.” He nodded and I helped him get back home, when Auntie Inko opened the door she ushered the both of us inside and together we helped Izuku rest on the couch. She asked me to help set the table for dinner and while we were in the kitchen she asked me what happened and so I told her.

“Hey remember? That explains his headache and I’m so happy. But I’m worried.”

She worried about him remembering? What why? “How come Auntie?”

“Well Izuku was so upset after you left I’m scared that once he remembers those feelings will come back and ruin the relationship you two have.”

“I understand Auntie, but if that happens I’ll have to deal with it.” I give her a hug before going back to setting the table.

Word Count: 1403

Hello my wonderful readers! I just wanted to let y'all know that updates over the next two months will be slow. My family and I are planning to move by the End of March so I'll be busy with that. I'll write when I can don't worry. Thank you for reading my story, voting, and leaving wonderful comments (I read everyone one lol )

Until next time!


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